Informal learning activities/EdcFrr/LvCr

The name tree forests for living creatures are given below, with various groves for different levels of different creatures.  These are in the very early stage of development, so only part of one area is available.

Living Creatures


  This name tree forest provides links to information about living creatures provided by Wikipedia.  Note that {{../xRd}} is used to give an ex prefix to signal extinction, i.e., for once-living creatures.

 There has been a lot of complex debate over just what a living creature or being is, as can be seen by looking here.  However, in everyday life the main categories of interest are animals and plants.  The Wikipedia portal for animals is here, that for plants is here.

Generic Groves


  The generic groves cover living things sporadically.  They are sequenced alphabetically by their item name, and come in eight different groves, as shown in the following grove link list which gives the initial letters in each grove.




 The main Wikipedia page is here.  The following gives other general Wikipedia links followed by the corresponding name forest links.

Vertebrates, name forest hereamphibians  birds  fish  mammals  reptiles 



 The main Wikipedia page is here.  The following gives other general Wikipedia links followed by the corresponding name forest links.

Embryophytes, name forest hereVascular plants cycads  gingko  gnetophyta 

The Technical Background


 The templates entabled here were put together in the early stages of the work on this name tree forest.  They may well be useful in other similar forests.  Some were copied from here.