Indigenous and Intercultural Health/Human Rights in Indigenous Health

Key learning outcome 4 – Human rights in Indigenous health

Apply understanding of human rights in relation to professional roles and intercultural competence

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander flags at the Nothern Hospital Epping

Enabling outcomes – focusing on Indigenous case material

a. Identify issues of human rights concerns in health

b. Apply understanding of Australian human rights organizations

c. Apply understanding of relationship between human rights and intercultural communication

d. Apply understanding of the relationship between human rights and professional roles


The two hour E-learning component of this key learning outcome requires you to read about a program that aimed to increase access to health care for Indigenous Australians. You will be asked to analyse a choice of two programs by describing how the program’s activities have application to the Australian Charter of Health care Rights and recommended strategies for improving Aboriginal access to health services.


The two hour face to face workshop component for this key learning objective will include an overview of what has been covered to date. This will be followed by a group activity where you will watch a video case study about a service access issue in Aboriginal health. You will recommend how this could be improved using the strategies you have learnt in the E-learning.

Victorian Aboriginal Health Service entrance


1. E-learning

Foundation readings

a) Australian Health Ministers, 2008, The Australian Charter of Health Care Rights, Australian Government, Canberra.

b) Reconciliation Action Plans or Making Two Worlds Work 'Working with Aboriginal clients and community' audit tool

c) Improving Aboriginal access to a community health centre or improving Aboriginal access to an antenatal program

d) Face the Facts, Australian Human Rights Commission, Section 1 Questiona about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people

2. Workshop

Your answers from the online activity will be utilized in a group discussion.

Video on health care access issue (to be uploaded)

Your participation in an activity on health care and human rights.

3. Graphics to support learning outcome

Image about human rights and stereotyping

Image about human rights and history Leunig

Key learning outcome participant guide

1. E-learning

a) Read the following article on the Australian Charter of Health Care Rights

Australian Health Ministers, 2008, The Australian Charter of Health Care Rights, Australian Government, Canberra.

b) Choose one of the following strategies on improving Aboriginal partipation to read.

Reconciliation Action Plans


Making Two Worlds Work 'Working with Aboriginal clients and community' audit tool

c) Choose one of the following examples of a health program that improved Aboriginal access and answer the related questions

Improving Aboriginal access to a community health centre


Improving Aboriginal access to an antenatal program

Answer the following questions

Q1 What did the health service do or change to improve Aboriginal access?

Q2. How does this relate to the Australian Charter of Health Care Rights?

Q3. How does this relate to the strategy you chose to read about?

2. Workshop

a. Introduction, what will be covered today (5 minutes)

b. Group activity review of E-learning: compare answers generated from questions (30 minutes)

c. Video case study analysis on Aboriginal access to health care (80 minutes)

d. Review of workshop and overview of the next key learning (5 minutes)

Key learning outcome teaching guide

1. E-learning

a) Read the following article on the Asutralian Charter of Health Care Rights

Australian Health Ministers, 2008, The Australian Charter of Health Care Rights, Australian Government, Canberra.

b) Choose one of the following strategies on improving Aboriginal partipation in organisations and read about it.

Reconciliation Action Plans


Making Two Worlds Work 'Working with Aboriginal clients and community' audit tool

c) Choose one of the following examples of a health program that improved Aboriginal access and answer the related questions

Improving Aboriginal access to a community health centre


Improving Aboriginal access to an antenatal program

Answer the following questions

Q1 What did the health service do or change to improve Aboriginal access?

Q2. How does this relate to the Australian Charter of Health Care Rights?

Q3. How does this relate to the strategy you chose to read about?

2. Workshop

a. Introduction, what will be covered today review of e-learning and an experiential activity. (5 minutes)

b. Group activity, review of E-learning: group students based on which case study they chose to look at, improving Aboriginal access to a community health service or antenatal care. (30 minutes)

c. Case study activity, participants watch a short video on a health care access issue for an Aboriginal client. Ask students to review how this situation could be improved using The Australian Charter of Health Care Rights and Reconciliation Action Plans (80 minutes)


d. Review of workshop and overview of the next key learning (5 minutes)