In the Lands of the Romanovs: An Annotated Bibliography of First-hand English-language Accounts of the Russian Empire (1613-1917)/Reign of Paul I (1796-1801)

5. REIGN OF PAUL I (1796-1801)

Fig. 39 Paul I (n.d.), by Vladimir Borovikovskii. Oil on canvas.

See also D45

[Brown, Thomas], The reminiscences of an old traveller throughout different parts of Europe. Edinburgh: John Anderson, Jr., 1834. viii+202pp. [2nd edition, greatly enlarged, Edinburgh, 1835. viii+301pp.]

First edition published anonymously. Brown (1770-1857) was a merchant in St Petersburg for over twenty-five years, but he provides a mere traveller’s account of a journey via Mittau and Riga to St Petersburg and out through Finland to Sweden (pp. 165-81).

[Hyde, Catherine, Marquise de Govion Broglio Solari], Private anecdotes of foreign courts, by the author of ‘Memoirs of the Princesse de Lamballe’. London: Colburn, 1827. 2 vols.

Gossipy general history of Russian court by Englishwoman (1755-1844), said to have been in Russia after death of Catherine and departing before assassination of Paul (vol. I, pp. 1-112).

Tweddell, John, Remains of the late John Tweddell Fellow of Trinity College Cambridge being a selection of his letters written from various parts of the Continent together with a republication of his Prolusiones juveniles an appendix containing some account of the author’s collections mss. drawings &c. and of their extraordinary disappearance. London: J. Mawman, 1815. 479+179pp. [2nd edition, Aug., 1816.]

Tweddell (1766-99), Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge, set out in September 1795 on extensive travels that took him through Ukraine, where he met Suvorov, and Russia (Jan. 1797-Feb 1798, pp. 132-65, 179-218), en route to Constantinople and to his death in Athens.

Clarke, Edward Daniel, Travels in various countries of Europe Asia and Africa. Part the First: Russia Tartary and Turkey. London: T. Cadell and W. Davies, 1810. xxviii+759pp. [2nd edition, 5 vols., 1811-19, and other eds. See also Travels in Russia, Tartary and Turkey...; with a memoir of the author, and numerous additions and notes, prepared for the present edition. Edinburgh: W. and R. Chambers, 1839. 140pp. (double columns).]

Two years after becoming a Fellow of Jesus College, Cambridge, Clarke (1769-1822), who had already travelled extensively through Britain and on the Continent, set off on a northern tour with a pupil, John Marten Cripps. They arrived in St Petersburg in January 1800, travelled to Moscow, and then south to the Sea of Azov, on to the Crimea and Odessa, which they left at the end of October for Constantinople (pp. 3-654). Like subsequent lifetime editions of Coxe’s travels, Clarke’s are also interesting for the changes, corrections and additions he introduced. Clarke’s highly critical account of his “severe penance” in Paul’s Russia was highly influential in Britain throughout the decades up to the Crimean War.

Clarke, Edward Daniel, The life and remains of the Rev. Edward Daniel Clarke, LL.D. professor of mineralogy in the University of Cambridge. [Edited by William Otter.] London: printed by J.F. Dove, 1824. xii+667pp.

Includes his letters from Russia and the Crimea, 1800 (pp. 383-448).

Kotzebue, August Friedrich Ferdinand von, The most remarkable year in the life of Augustus von Kotzebue; containing an account of his exile into Siberia, and of the other extraordinary events which happened to him in Russia. Written by himself. Translated from the German by the Rev. Benjamin Beresford. London: printed by T. Gillet for Richard Phillips, 1802. 3 vols.

After several years in Russian service, Kotzebue (1761-1819), dramatist and novelist, had retired to Weimar in 1797 but returned to Russia with his Russian wife in the spring of 1800. He was arrested after crossing the border, accused of being a Jacobin, and exiled to Siberia. Author of a play that was flattering to Paul I, he was pardoned, given estates in Livonia, and made director of the German theatre in St Petersburg. Translation of Das merkwürdigste Jahr meines Lebens (Berlin, 1801). Vol. III ends with ‘An examination of a work entitled Secret memoirs of the court of Russia’ (pp. 132-216), Kotzebue’s rebuttal of Masson’s work (see D45).

Hunter, William, A Short view of the political situation of the northern powers: founded on observations made during a tour through Russia, Sweden, and Denmark, in the last seven months of the year 1800. With conjectures on the probable issue of the approaching conflict. London: Stockdale, 1801. 111pp.

Hunter, member of the Inner Temple and prolific publicist, arrived in St Petersburg on 21 June 1800, shortly after expulsion of British ambassador, and paints a very negative picture of Paul’s Russia, before departing in December for Denmark (pp. 23-54).

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