Image restoration/Image files

Image files


File types


It is important to use a lossless file type for restoration work, such as TIFF or PNG.

Many images are available in JPEG format. This is a format to avoid when possible because it overwrites and degrades with successive saves. If JPEG is the only source format available, then convert to a lossless format imediately after opening and work in the lossless format.

Convert a format


To convert a format, select "save as" and choose a different extension type.



The lower resolution an image is, the less time it will probably take to restore but the less can be done to restore it. Extremely low resolution files are probably not worth the attempt because they have very little data.

Low quality restorations may be attempted on images that have only a few hundred kilobytes' resolution.

High quality restoration work generally requires file sizes of 10MB and larger.