Illustrated Companion to the Latin Dictionary/Dealbatus

Illustrated Companion to the Latin Dictionary, and Greek Lexicon (Rich, 1849)


DEALBA'TUS (κονιατός). Covered with a coating of white cement, or stucco (opus albarium), which the ancients employed extensively both in the interior and exterior of their buildings, as an ornamental facing to conceal the rough stone or brick-work. (Cic. Verr. ii. 1. 55. Id. Fam. vii. 29.) The illustration (Dealbatus/1.1) represents a portion of one of the city gates at Pompeii, partially covered with cement, and showing the brick-work underneath the parts which have broken away. The whole city was coated with cement of rustic work in this manner, and frequently tinted in brilliant colours, such as red, blue, and yellow.

