Illustrated Companion to the Latin Dictionary/Culcita

Illustrated Companion to the Latin Dictionary, and Greek Lexicon (Rich, 1849)


CUL'CITA (τύλη, στρωμνή). A mattrass for a sofa, couch, or bed, stuffed with wadding, wool, or feathers (Varro, L. L. v. 167. Pet. Sat. 38. Cic. Tusc. iii. 19. Seneca, Ep. 87.); which, consequently, was sometimes very soft, like our feather beds, and at others, like our wool and hair mattrasses, sufficiently hard not to take an impression from the body resting upon it. (Seneca, Ep. 108.) The illustration (Culcita/1.1) is from a painting at Pompeii.

