Illustrated Companion to the Latin Dictionary/Coronarius

Illustrated Companion to the Latin Dictionary, and Greek Lexicon (Rich, 1849)


CORONA'RIUS (στεφανηπλόκος). One who makes and sells garlands, wreaths, chaplets, or crowns, of real or artificial flowers. (Front. ad M. Caes. Ep. i. 6. Plin. H. N. xxxiv. 26.) The illustration (Coronarius/1.1) is from a Pompeian painting, and represents male and female genii engaged in this operation.

2. Aurum coronarium. A sum of gold sent by the provinces to a commander, for making a golden triumphal crown. (Cic. Pis. 37.) See CORONA, 1. (3.).

3. Opus coronarium. Stucco-work employed in the decoration of cornices. Vitruv. vii. 6. CORONA, 14. and 15.

