IMHA Research Archives/Click and go to page here/The Latin American Occupational-Maritime IMHA-Research Learning Center/Prevalence of BMI in 100 seafarers Thania Aguilar, CE

  • Project title: Seafarer´s body mass index in an international maritime health clinic -
  • Authors: Thania Aguilar (1) M Luisa Canals (2) Olaf C Jensen (3)
  1. Clinica Einstein, Vía Argentina, El Cangrejo, Ciudad de Panamá, República de Panamá.
  2. Spanish Society of Maritime Medicine, University of Cadiz, Spain
  3. Maritime Centre for Health and Society, University of Southern Denmark & University of Cadiz, Spain
Standard Chronogram for research projects Work tasks Week15 Week16 Week17 Week18 Week19 Week20 Week21 Week22 Week23 Week24 Week25 Week26 Week27 Week28 Week29 Week30 Week31 Week32 Week33 Week34 Week35
Research meetings date --> 12/4 19/4 26/4 3/5 10/5 17/5 24/5 31/5 7/6 14/6 21/6 28/6 5/7 12/7 19/7 26/7 2/8 9/8 16/8 23/8 30/8
Selection publication, authors guidelines
Power Point draft
Literature search and review - status Zotero
Introduction of article
Tables status - analysis?
Results section status
Discussion section
Reference section
Hours work