ICT in Education/Student Activities/Mr. Tak Kean/Class M1/Group1/Group Activities/Discuss group: Internet, Intranet and Extranet



Internet is a network of computers with clients and servers. The primary function of the Internet is to
rule the network traffic between computers. When you connect to Internet, your computer is only aware of
nodes that are close to it. The Internet related to Protocols, ICP/IP, HTTP, and FTP.
Ex: Internet ជា connection លក្ខណៈ World Wide Web ដោយពឹងផ្អែកលើ ISP និង Public IP ដើម្បី
Access ទៅ www ឬ http:// និង services ផ្សេងៗ ។



Intranets is the network that connected in the Network or the building, it cannot connect with another Network,
which is not in the some network.
Ex: Intranet ជា local connection ដែលមាន service ដូច Internet ដែរតែមានលក្ខណៈ limited ហើយ server ទាំងឡាយគឺ
hosted នៅក្នុង organization.



Extranet is a company intranet that is accessible to users outside the company, such as vendors,
customers, and suppliers. Because part of the intranet made available to user outside the company, an extranet requires
special security measures.
Ex: Extranet ជាការពង្រីកនៃ Intranet ដែលផ្ដល់ connection នៅក្នុង organization ផ្សេងៗទៀត ឬ Users នៅក្រៅ organization នោះ.

The same point:

  • វាអាចចែកចាយ resource បានដូចគ្នា
  • វា run លើ browser ដូចគ្នា
  • ប្រើប្រាស់ username និង password ដូចគ្នា

The difference point:

  • Internet: មានលក្ខណៈជា public វាបញ្ជូន និងចែកចាយ resource ជុំវិញពិភពលោក
  • Intranet: វាមានលក្ខណៈជា Local host វាប្រើបានជាតំបន់.
  • Extranet: វាមានលក្ខណៈដូចជា local host ដែរ ហើយវាយក resource បន្តពី internet, មានប្រើនៅកន្លែងដូចជា Company.