Hung Parliament Coalition Game


Hung Parliament Coalition Game
DesignedJune 2011
TopicParliamentary Coalition Building
OrganisationUniversity of Westminster
PreparationThree hours
Time3-4 hours
No. of roles/players6-12/15-30
Archive of Simulations and Games for the Enhancement of the Learning Experience
The individual resources in this archive come from diverse sources. They have been brought together into this archive in a project supported by

Simelec 2012 is a series of simulations which model a hung parliament being returned in a 2012 UK General Election. The first simulation took place at the Centre for the Study of Democracy at the University of Westminster on 11th June 2011. Simelec is a role-playing exercise which simulates the negotiations which would be necessary if the next general election results in a genuinely hung parliament. The various participants play the leaderships of the Labour, Conservative, Liberal Democrat, and other parties. In their briefing documents, they are given different objectives which can be realised either by forming or frustrating a coalition agreement by their own party with others in this new parliament. The role-playing exercise consists of five rounds each representing a key period in the build-up and aftermath of the election. At the end of the fifth round, the simulation concludes with the formation of either a coalition or a minority government. There then follows a discussion by participants and observers as regards their experience of the role-playing exercise and what can be learnt from it.


Labour was returned as the largest party with 295 seats, with the Conservatives the second largest on 285, while the Liberal Democrats were reduced to 20 seats. Smaller parties got the other seats, but only the Scottish Nationalists/Plaid Cymru (single role) and the Green Party were played as a role.


Labour Left Labour Centre Labour Right Conservative Left Conservative Centre Conservative Right Liberal Democrat Left Liberal Democrat Right Scottish Nationalists/Plaid Cymru Green Party