Human vision and function/Part 1: Perception of objects/Introduction to anatomy & Physiology of the eye and visual pathway/revision questions

From the subject materials you have completed so far, consider the following:

  1. What do the prefixes “ante” & “post” mean?
  2. So what do the terms anterior and posterior mean? Give examples of eye structures that are “anterior” and/or “posterior” to each other.
  3. Describe coronel, horizontal & sagittal sections.
  4. Why do we need additional “location” terminology for the eye, when describing horizontal & sagittal sections?
  5. If an object absorbs ALL the wavelengths of light EXCEPT green, & reflects green from it’s surface, what colour will we perceive?
  6. What are the name of the photoreceptors that respond to coloured light?
  7. Which specific colours are they maximally receptive to? Why?
  8. Under which lighting conditions are these cells optimally active?
  9. Where are these cells found?
  10. What is the receptive field size in this region?
  11. What does this suggest, if we want to see something that’s coloured, as acutely (with as much definition), as possible?
  12. What are the name of the photoreceptors that respond to changes in light intensity?
  13. Under which lighting conditions are these cells optimally active?
  14. Where are these cells found?
  15. What is the receptive field size in this region?
  16. What does this suggest, if we want to see something that’s not coloured, as acutely (with as much definition), as possible?