Human vision and function/1x individual reflective summary of your own work on the poster - approx 300 words (worth 20%)

Individual reflective summary of e-poster Instructions


The purpose of this task is to demonstrate your individual understanding of the project requirements and methodology to reach the final result in addition to self-reflection of your participation in the e-poster. The information you need to complete for this task is found below. Please create a Microsoft Word document for your submission. Complete all the sections using correct grammar and spelling and submit it by the due date. Your submission should be typed in the same font size, it should be concise and must be your own work.

Title page:

  • Student’s name
  • Student ID
  • Group name
  • # in group
  • Project title

Student signature (electronic)
I _________, have read the “Considerations when working in a group” document and have contributed to the discussion. All work submitted is my own and I have contributed my share to the group.


Explain the following (max 300 words):

  1. Research methods (how/where did you obtain your information).
  2. Your project (Respond to the questions given for your project topic).
  3. References.

Example of a good reflective summary

Example of a bad reflective summary

Acknowledgement: The template for this assessment and examples of good and bad summaries were adapted from work created by the Discipline of Mathematics at the University of Queensland.

This assessment is linked to the e-poster assessment and therefore addresses Learning Outcomes 3, 4 & 5 (3. Describe common eye diseases as deviations from normal function; 4. Discuss the sociological implications for individuals with decreased vision & 5. Analyse a problem and clearly define and communicate the outcomes that will resolve or manage it).