How things work college course/Industrial Revolution quiz/Testbank
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{<!--b_nuclearPower_1_1-->What fraction of the world's electricity was produced by nuclear power in 2012?} - 63% + 13% - 3% - 33% {<!--b_nuclearPower_1_2-->How does Wikipedia assess the prospects of commercial fusion power production before 2050?} - likely + unlikely - impossible - expected {<!--b_nuclearPower_1_3-->In terms of lives lost per unit of energy generated, evidence suggests that nuclear power has caused ______ fatalities per unit of energy generated than the other major sources of energy.} + comparable - less - more {<!--b_nuclearPower_1_4-->According to Wikipedia, the amount of green house gasses associated with the construction and maintenance of nuclear power plants is ________ than the emissions associated with other renewable sources (wind, solar, and hydro power.)} + about the same - less - greater {<!--b_nuclearPower_1_5-->Estimates of additional nuclear generating capacity to be built by 2035 fell by ______ percent after the Fukushima nuclear accident in 2011.} + 50 - 10 - 90 {<!--b_nuclearPower_1_6-->From the figure depicting percentage of power produced by nuclear power plants, we see that the proper ranking from greatest to least reliance on nuclear power for three nations is} + France, United States, with Turkey least reliant. - France ,Turkey , with the United States least reliant. - United States, France, with Turkey least reliant. - United States, Turkey, France least reliant. {<!--b_nuclearPower_1_7-->It was discovered that radioactive elements released immense amounts of energy according to the principle of mass–energy equivalence in the ______ } - late 19th century + early 20th century - early 19th century {<!--b_nuclearPower_1_8-->Chadwick's discovery of the neutron was significant because neutrons} - are an excellent fuel for nuclear power - are not radioactive + can be used to create radioactive material at a low price {<!--b_nuclearPower_1_9-->Ernest Rutherford's "moonshine" was} - what called neutrons + what he called the idea of harnessing nuclear power - what he called the idea of relying on fossil fuels - what he called alpha particles {<!--b_nuclearPower_1_10-->Chadwicks discovery of the neutron was significant because} + neutrons permit induced radiation - neutrons are stable - neutrons are slow {<!--b_nuclearPower_1_11-->Neutrons and protons both have "strong" short range interactions with the nucleus. Why can't slow protons be used to cause nuclei to undergo fission?} + protons are positively charged - slow protons can induce fission but they are too expensive to produce - slow protons are attracted to the nucleus - protons move at the speed of light {<!--b_nuclearPower_1_12-->Fermi used _______ to create what he thought was _______} - slow neutrons; "moonshine" - "moonshine"; fast neutrons + slow neutrons; a new element heavier than uranium (called a transuranic element) - transuranic (heavy) elements; a new source of slow neutrons {<!--b_nuclearPower_1_13-->Fermi thought he had discovered ________, when he actually discovered ________} - fusion; hesparium + hesperium; fission - hesperium; fusion - fission; hesparium {<!--b_nuclearPower_1_14-->Which was developed first, nuclear power generation or nuclear weapons?} - they were developed simultaneously + nuclear weapons - nuclear power generation {<!--b_nuclearPower_1_15-->The Manhattan project made} - plutonium and enriched hesparium + plutonium and enriched uranium - uranium and enriched plutonium {<!--b_nuclearPower_1_16-->The Atomic Age, published in 1945, predicted ... } - nuclear war - a world government to prevent nuclear war + that fossil fuels would go unused - widespread radiation poisoning {<!--b_nuclearPower_1_17-->In 1953, "Atoms for Peace" was} - a presidential speech warning of the need for nuclear arms agreements - a congressional committee - a protest movement centered in US universities + a presidential speech promoting nuclear energy production {<!--b_nuclearPower_1_18-->The first nuclear power plant to contribute to the grid was situated in} + Russia - Oak Ridge - Virginia - Great Britain {<!--b_nuclearPower_1_19-->According to Wikipedia, the prediction made in 1954 that electricity would someday be "too cheap to meter" was} - an argument that fossil fuels are so abundant that we don't need nuclear energy - an effort to promote nuclear fission as an energy source + an effort to promote nuclear fusion as an energy source {<!--b_nuclearPower_1_20-->The third worst nuclear disaster occurred in Russia (1957) and was kept secret for 30 years } + true - false {<!--b_nuclearPower_1_21-->More US nuclear submarines sank due to nuclear accidents than did Russian submarines} - true + false {<!--b_nuclearPower_1_22-->The worst nuclear disaster on record occurred in Russia} - true + false {<!--b_nuclearPower_1_23-->The worldwide number of nuclear reactors and their net capacity grew steadily from 1960, and} - fluctuated randomly but with a strong correlation with the world economy and price of oil + leveled off between Three Mile Island (1979) and Chernobyl (1986). - did not begin to level off until Chernobyl (1986) - briefly fell sharply after Three Mile Island (1979), rose again, and again fell after Chernobyl (1986) |
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