The Hooding Ceremony is an event whereby recognition is given for those graduating with master or doctoral degrees. Candidates for the hooding ceremony will be full recipients of their masters or doctorates at the graduation ceremonies. The Hooding Ceremony is symbolic of passing the guard from one generation to the next generation. During the ceremony, a candidate presents themselves to their faculty advisor or other authorized member of the faculty with their hood placed over their left arm. The candidate hands the hood to the adviser, turns away from the adviser (often to face the crowd for photos) while the adviser places the hood over the head of the graduate, signifying his or her success in completing the graduate program. The ceremony is similar to a graduation in that faculty and students are dressed in academic attire. The Hooding Ceremony is in addition to and does not replace the Graduation Exercises.

Video References of Graduation Hoodings

How to wear a Graduation Hood?

Graduation HT: Hooding

Graduation Hooding - Capella University

Academic Hoods


General Commencement Information

Kickoff to Commencement

Graduation/Hooding Photos Hal Daumé III

How to Wear a Graduation Hood?

Graduation Hooding at KU

Doctoral Hooding Ceremony - Commencement 2008

Graduate School of Education

Caps and Gowns

History of Graduation and Hooding

UAB Graduate School Doctoral Hooding and Commencement Ceremonies

Graduation Hooding Ceremony

University of Chicago Law School - Graduation Information

Caps and Gowns Information