Honours thesis in psychology/Evaluation/2016

Honours thesis in psychology - Evaluation - 2016

Semester 1 summary

  1. USS 91%, GTS 92%, GSS 85%, OSS 92%, SES 92%

Student evaluation ratings


Ratings from students in Semester 1, 2016 (N = 13 out of 24 (54%)):

Unit Satisfaction Survey % ↑↓ 2015 FoH Avg %
Unit Satisfaction Scale 91 80
Good Teaching Scale 92 75
Generic Skills Scale 85 76
Overall Satisfaction Scale 92 79
Student Experience Scale 92 77



Written feedback from students in 2015:

Best Aspects Needs Improving
  • Workshops at beginning of year were great - the later sessions would benefit from more structure as these became an hour of students asking about formatting and word count - not reflective of other students needs and where we should all be up to. The workshops early on really helped in knowing where we were up to and how to keep on track
  • When considering part-time studies, 25% in one year and 75% in the second year is not an ideal split. Ethics unit was disappointing and that time would have been better spent on stats. More workshops throughout the year - at the start these were great and then dropped off. Convenor drop in times in lab to assist would be beneficial. Some moderation of supervisors if possible - it became apparent some students were highly advantaged/disadvantaged due to supervisor and preferences. Access to additional staff would be great for future students - not so much reliance on only one staff member (supervisor).
  • The workshops were great to ask questions and discuss components with other students. The beginning workshops that had a specific focus were wonderful while still in the planning stages of a thesis. James was willing to answer any and all general questions. My supervisor was wonderful in assisting with any and all problems that I came across throughout my thesis.
  • I think everything is this unit was done well.
  • the best aspect of the honors thesis project was the personal growth and challenges I overcame and the new experiences and the knowledge that I will take away with me.
  • There needs to be more of a focus on the mental health of the students undertaking an honours thesis project. e.g., self care principles need to modeled and encouraged. An outline of general questions and answers available to all students would be helpful e.g., how to format a thesis and a more specific marking criteria. More workshops would encourage communication, problem solving and team work.
  • Supervisor provided timely, comprehensive feedback. Gained a lot of learning outcomes from this unit. Good insight into research work.
  • The honours psychology year is, in my opinion, nonsensical. In a field that promotes mental health and wellbeing, through factors such as a work-life balance, the honours course structure does little to inspire health and wellbeing. It doesn't make sense how cramming so much work into one year can be reflective of one's potential to be a clinical psych or researcher. The unit could be better organised and enable students to be better prepped in what the actual thesis involves. Psych measurement is akin to the ethics unit - it would seem more logical to have these units paired, rather than statistics. The statistics could be provided over an extended period of time to allow for a better conceptual grasp of the statistical analyses and how to perform them.
  • My supervisor was opened minded, engaged with my project, yet remained flexible. I had excellent access to my supervisor, and his feedback was critical, yet correct. I felt lucky to have him as a supervisor.
  • I would have liked to see more workshops. Towards the end of the unit, there was confusion about the required layout of the presentation of our research articles, I would have like to have had this resolved sooner.
  • James Neill's Honours workshops were helpful. However we need access to a statistics tutor during the thesis process. I contacted the University statistics person by email but they didn't bother to even repond to my email. Its unfair that some students have lecturers run their stats for them and others can't get access to assistance. It seems to be based on personality not ability.
  • The difference between supervisors is too great. My supervisor refused to help me with my statistics for example. Other supervisors run the statistics for their students and advise them step by step on what to do. This means effectively I am competing against lecturers not other students. At least my supervisor met with me, some students were abandonded by their supervisors and did not get to see them regularly. The huge disparity between supervisors needs to be addressed to make an attempt at a level playing field. The current system is discriminatory and UNFAIR.
  • James Neill, as always with everything he touches, was a saving grace. Thank you James for the support you consistently and selflessly provide students.
  • Something really needs to change with regards to student/supervisor communication and agreements. The majority of students I spoke with including myself had minimal support from their supervisors throughout the whole year to the point where some students were very distressed at the terrible lack of communication and feedback. Some students sought supervision outside of UC and others just gave up seeking support altogether. I understand the staff have many other commitments outside of supervising honours year students, but if they are overwhelmed with work they should not agree to supervise students during such a crucial time. Students, like staff, have lives outside of university, many work full time, support families/children and have emotional/social commitments too. The academic support and consideration offered by numerous psych honours staff was not adequate and I am not alone in thinking this. Please improve for the sake of future cohorts.
  • James' attention to detail and commitment to students makes this unit rewarding and possible.
  • I really enjoyed the thesis component of honours. Supervision was flexible and the convenor, James Neill was very accessible for guidance. It's a great component and I'm glad I undertook it with UC.
  • All relevant information pertaining to the thesis was readily available and the honours convener was very accessible and supportive/informative.
  • The only issues I had were limited to the standard of communication and assistance of my honours thesis supervisor.