Helping Give Away Psychological Science/Standard Operating Procedures/Executive Board/Heel Life Tasks

UNC Executive Duties


This SOP details all of the Heel Life tasks and forms that must be completed in August.

Re-registration with Heel Life


The portal opens August 15th. The registration form must be submitted and officer orientation attended prior to those deadlines in order for your organization to maintain your registered status for the year.

There are three steps in the re-registration process:

  • The primary contact must complete and submit the online Registration Form in Heel Life.
  • The faculty advisor must complete the online Advisor Agreement Form by appropriate registration deadline. Click here to access the agreement form.
  • Both the president and treasurer of the organization must complete the Online Officer Orientation, which will be on Heel Life beginning August 15th. This online training includes videos to review and a quiz. You will be tested on the Undergraduate Student Code. A 100% is required to pass the quiz.
    • The officer that submits the registration form will take the quiz as a part of the registration form process and not a separate quiz.
  • Once all three of the above steps are completed (registration form, advisor form, officer orientations), the registration form will be approved.

Steps for Undergraduate Senate Finance Funding


In order to qualify for USF Funding, your organization must be a registered club which has already been completed by the steps above. The Treasurer of the organization must be certified by taking the Treasurer's Test. (If the president wants to present the funding proposal described below, they must also pass the Treasurer's Test). Funding can be requested at the beginning of each semester so you should plan ahead on what you want to request funding for during late summer and winter break.

Apply for Finance Appropriations online

Here are our previous applications

Key Reminders:

  • You cannot request funds for food! Food is paid for in part by HGAPS national grants (that can be funded by student gov), dues, and often by external grants.
  • You can request funds for conferences! Make sure everything you request is in line with what is in the Undergraduate Senate Code.
  • You can request funds for merch (stickers, mugs, popsockets, and koozies). You cannot request funds for t-shirts!!!
  • Any expenditure made for a single speaker’s honorarium, travel and/or lodging totaling $2,000 of Student Government funds or more shall require the approval of the Undergraduate Student Government Treasurer (USGT). After the date of the event, the USGT forfeits the ability to approve or disapprove the speaker specified for said event.
  • The portal is only open for 24 hours, usually 5pm to 5pm. This means you should be communicating with the rest of the exec board well before the deadline. Most, if not all questions are the same from year to year.

Attend the assigned Undergraduate Senate Appropriations meeting.


Once the senate sees that your application meets the basic requirements, they will assign you a day and time to deliver a budget presentation. This presentation is only 2 minutes long! The presentation can be done by either the Treasurer or President. Practice your pitch and ask the exec board for input on what to emphasize.

Example structure is to start off with a (VERY brief) statement about what is HGAPS (i.e., Helping Give Away Psychological Science is a student org nonprofit dedicated to bringing the best psychological science to the people who would benefit from that knowledge), 1 or 2 sentences about why you’re doing the project you’re requesting funding for/their value, and 1 or 2 sentences about how the funding would help. Repeat the last two steps for each project as time permits (hence why it’s helpful to practice). 2020-2021 Example, 2021-2022 Example

They will tell you on the spot how much they’re willing to give you, and you may have a chance to negotiate, so be prepared to justify as much of the funds as you can. Highly unlikely that a student org is ever given the full amount requested, so try to overestimate your initial request (within reason). They will also likely ask which is your most valued category. This is the category they will allow you to negotiate and advocate for the most.



You did it! Yay! From here on out, record all receipts and keep all records of expenses that are covered by the funding. Student Government Financial Submissions are due at 11:59pm on LDOC and you MUST have documentation to support all expenses. Your funding allocation that was agreed upon at the meeting lives in the same funding portal that you submitted the initial request. You may find it helpful to keep a separate email folder where you keep emailed receipts as well as a physical folder for any physical copies. Digital is best as that is the format in which you will submit them. You can get money allocated to different categories by filling out a reallocation form on Heel Life.

Reimbursing individuals


For any individuals in the organization that directly need reimbursement (this often happens for travel expenses like hotels/registrations), you must have their ACH direct deposit information on file. This includes banking information in addition to their PIDs and onyens within UNC. It is difficult to get this at the last minute, so plan ahead accordingly. Because this is highly sensitive and personal information, it is NOT recommended to communicate this information over email. Get the info over the phone, write it down in your notes when you see them in person, or if it’s HIGHLY urgent, get them to write the info out in a separate document that they attach to the email. The information that is most commonly needed for these forms are Account Holder Name, Federal ID (TIN/SSN), Bank Name, Bank Routing Number, and Account Number.

Submitting Forms


When your organization is ready to submit documentation, use the Student Government reimbursement form on Heel Life. Forms can ONLY be submitted by your organization’s President, Financial Officer, or Advisor that appears on Heel Life. In order to access the form, go to the RSO Finances Heel Life page.