Helping Give Away Psychological Science/Marginalized Survival Kit: Navigating Academia as a Marginalized Student

The ethnoracial makeup of individuals entering fields of psychology continues to change but the experiences of graduate level students of color in these programs is a phenomenon that has received little attention (Hsueh et al., 2020). When attempting to understand these experiences specific to racial content, the literature is almost nonexistent. Developing methods to increase the number of racially marginalized psychologists is critically important to the future of the profession and improving health equity for racially marginalized populations (Callahan et al., 2018). In 2016, the American Psychological Association (APA) reported that racial/ethnic marginalized individuals only accounted for 16% of the psychology workforce. Although the field has improved with regard to the inclusion of students and professionals of color, resistance can still be found when it comes to the commitment within psychology training programs (e.g., clinical, counseling, and school) to create a culturally competent and responsive curriculum for the provision of mental health services. Racially marginalized students in psychology graduate programs often face a number of challenges such as a lack of culturally similar mentors, insufficient undergraduate preparation, limited financial support, and nonoptimal institutional climate. The current presentation focuses on the creation of an open-access resource, “The Marginalized Survival Kit,” which is aimed at providing racially marginalized students with a variety of resources that can be used to navigate the difficult experiences that may present themselves in academia. The resource provides information at different levels of graduate training (i.e., post-baccalaureate, graduate student, internship, and post-doctoral) and for early career psychologists to ensure increased support and student engagement at all levels. Resources have been acquired through a variety of sources (i.e., manuals, online guides, current faculty and students, multimedia).

This resource is by no means comprehensive and there are more resources that exist. We would love for this to be a collaborative document among scholars so please feel free to add resources using the google form below.

Stage 1: Applying for and Choosing Your Graduate Program


Successfully applying to graduate school in psychology often requires knowledge of "the hidden curriculum," which serves only to further disadvantage marginalized students and advantage those with privilege and access to this knowledge. Fortunately, there are several helpful resources that have been developed to reduce inequities propagated by the hidden curriculum. The following excellent resources linked below aim to help marginalized students navigate and demystify the hidden curriculum of applying to graduate school.

Obtaining Post-baccalaureate Research Positions


Research experience is one of the most important factors for a successful graduate school application. Full-time, post-baccalaureate research positions enable applicants to gain experience throughout the entire research process, as well as provide opportunities to author/co-author research papers and oral/poster presentations. Such research products are becoming increasingly necessary to successfully apply for Psychology PhD programs.

Title Author(s) Media Type Description
Research Coordinator Positions Dr. Camilla McMahon Website A website with an updated list of research assistant/coordinator job postings across the U.S. for psychology undergrads and recent graduates seeking full-time or summer employment
The Postbaccalaureate Work Experience Before Mental Health Graduate Training Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT) Webinar The goal of this webisode is to provide a comprehensive overview of post-baccalaureate work experience prior to beginning graduate training in mental health (e.g., clinical psychology, counseling psychology, social work). Viewers will also learn about the advantages and disadvantages of completing a post-baccalaureate position, as well as how to identify and successfully apply to such positions.

General Graduate School Application Guides/Resources

Title Author(s) Media Type Description
Accessible Psychology and Academia Christin Mujica Podcast A podcast to make psychology and academia more accessible. Focuses on research, but also discusses issues of applying to graduate school and surviving in graduate school as students from minoritized backgrounds.
A Field Guide to Grad School: Uncovering the Hidden Curriculum Dr. Jessica McCrory Calarco Book "An essential handbook to the unwritten and often unspoken knowledge and skills you need to succeed in grad school"
A First-Gen's Guide to Grad School: How to Get in, Survive, and Thrive Enrica Bridgewater Blog Blog helping first-gen students along their PhD journey
A Guide for Underrepresented Students Applying to Graduate Programs in Clinical Psychology Francisco A. Reinosa Segovia, Giovanni Ramos, Dr. Sabrina Liu, Nadi Paranamana PDF Resource document to assist applicants from backgrounds that are underrepresented in psychology and higher education in the application process
Applying to Grad School on a Budget and Navigating the Process: A Saga Alexis S. Smith-Flores Blog Blog post providing resources for navigating the financial aspects of applying to graduate school
Clinically Psyched Podcast Cas Podcast A podcast dedicated to helping hopeful clinical psychology candidates demystify the application process. Informing applications of the things they WISH they had been told during the application process
Graduate School Application Resources Emily Bibby Google Doc A Google doc with a wide range of resources specific to applicants applying to clinical psychology programs
Graduate Study in Psychology American Psychology Association (APA) Website/Search Engine "This extensive database allows you to find the program that best fits your needs. Easily search programs by degree, area of study, school, or location to find the program that most aligns with your unique interests and career goals. Both individual short-term and long-term affordable subscriptions are available for accessing the database. "
Latinx Grad Journey Christin Mujica Blog Post Information about how to apply to graduate school in psychology as folks of color
Newsletter on Grad School/Hidden Curriculum Dr. Jessica McCrory Calarco Newsletter Newsletter for students thinking about applying to graduate school in uncertain times
PhDiversity Podcast (@phdiversitypod) Vanessa Anyanso Podcast A podcast focused on demystifying the path to a Psychology PhD program and sharing counseling psychology content knowledge with a focus on diversity
Psych Research List Dr. Meltem Yucel Website A website that houses various lists for paid internships, virtual graduate school information sessions, resources for applying to graduate school, and social/moral psychologists around the world
Undergraduate Preparation for Graduate Study in Psychological Clinical Science Academy of Psychological Clinical Science (APCS) Document Document describing tips for undergraduate preparation for graduate study in psychological clinical science
UCLA UGSP: Repository of Psychology Graduate School Application Resources Stephanie H. Yu, UCLA UGSP Google Spreadsheet Google spreadsheet of comprehensive psychology graduate application resources, organized by area (e.g., general, clinical, social) and stage of the application process (e.g., personal statement, interview)
Insider's Guide to Graduate Programs in Clinical and Counseling Psychology: 2022/2023 edition John C. Norcross & Michael A. Sayette Book A definitive guide for prospective graduate students in clinical and counseling psychology has now been revised and updated for 2022/2023, with all-new data on more than 300 doctoral programs. Make sure to also check for the most recent edition!
Mitch’s Uncensored Advice for Applying to Graduate School in Clinical Psychology Dr. Mitch Prinstein ebook A brief guide designed to provide an overview of different types of possible career options in the mental health industry, as well as specific information about the application/interview process.
Tips for CV Prep Dr. Alayna Park Twitter Thread Twitter Thread containing tips for preparing a strong CV for graduate school.
Tips for writing a diversity statement Sanya Jain @sjay_yayy Twitter Thread Twitter thread with tips and examples for writing a diversity statement
@PsychinOut’s Current Psych Master's/PhD Student Directory @PsychinOut Google Spreadsheet A google sheet of current psych Masters/PhD students willing to offer support/mentorship/collaboration and more!
Overall Path to Clinical Psychology PhD Developed by The Hamilton Lab at Rutgers University and Science Simplified Network Google Spreadsheet A google spreadsheet to help students be prepared and informed as they consider and apply for clinical psychology PhD programs.
Fall 2023 Interview Workshop @PsychinOut Video A recorded video with tips and support for navigating the PhD interview process

Samples of Successful Graduate School Application Materials

Title Author(s) Media Type Description
Clinical Psychology Graduate School Personal Statement Examples Dr. Craig Rodriguez-Seijas and Dr. Jessica Schleider Google Doc A Google Doc with examples of successful personal statements that may be helpful to applicants applying to clinical psych graduate programs
Graduate School Application Resources Emily Bibby Google Doc A Google doc with a wide range of resources specific to applicants applying to clinical psychology programs, including samples of successful personal statements
UBC- Okanagan Successful Clinical Psychology Application Materials Graduate Student Association and the Action for Inclusion, Diversity, and Equity in Psychology Committee Google Doc A Google doc that contains a collection of personal statements and Tri-Council funding documents that were submitted as part of the applications of current UBC-Okanagan Clinical Psychology graduate students when applying to the program.
UCLA UGSP: Repository of Psychology Graduate School Application Resources Stephanie H. Yu, UCLA UGSP Google Spreadsheet Google spreadsheet of comprehensive psychology graduate application resources, organized by area (e.g., general, clinical, social) and stage of the application process (e.g., personal statement, interview)

Programs that Removed the GRE Requirement

Title Author(s) Media Type Description
USA and Canada Psych PhD/PsyD GRE Requirements Psychin' Out Google Spreadsheet Google spreadsheet of PhD/PsyD programs that have removed the GRE requirement

Diversity Info Sessions/Recruitment Programs

Specific Resources - Title Author(s) Media Type Description
List of Graduate Recruitment Programs for URM Students Psychology Undergraduate Advising, University of Minnesota Google Spreadsheet A Google spreadsheet listing graduate recruitment programs for racially marginalized students to learn about applying to graduate programs
List of Universities Holding Diversity Recruitment Programs Jang Kang, Society for Personality and Social Psychology Website "Several psychology departments offer recruitment weekend opportunities to URM undergraduates. These allow students to find out more about applying to graduate psychology programs, what it’s like to be a psychology graduate student, and what it’s like to attend their school. "

Choosing Your Graduate Program


Evaluating programs is incredibly important as a marginalized student because we need to ensure that we will be supported and have the resources necessary to thrive in that space. If those resources are not available, it’s important to assess how to navigate that space in a way that will not be harmful or hinder our success. For example:

  • Are there graduate student spaces that are safe for racially marginalized students?
  • Are faculty and graduate student EDI and anti-racist efforts collaborative?
  • What efforts are happening to create a supportive environment for racially marginalized students?

Below are a few resources that can assist with how to develop that insight or make decisions on PIs or programs.

Factors to Consider When Selecting Programs

Resource Title Author(s) Media Type Description
DISSECT Graduate Program Evaluation Tool for Racially Marginalized Students Applying to Graduate School Stephanie H. Yu, Déjà Clement, Ariana Rivens, Shadie Burke, Jude Nachabe, DISSECT Marginalized Student Survival Kit Committee Google Doc The aim of this tool is to provide insight to assist historically excluded and/or racially marginalized students with important factors to know or consider when selecting a graduate program. Applicants may find it useful to ask current graduate students these questions after receiving an offer from a program.
Psychology PhD Advisor Directory Psychin' Out Google Spreadsheet A centralized spreadsheet that lists PIs according to their institutions, topic areas & whether they’re accepting students
Twitter Thread of Factors to Consider for Ethnic Minorities Applying to Clinical Psych Grad Programs @AccidentallyACT Twitter Thread Twitter thread about factors that racially marginalized applicants should consider when applying for clinical psychology graduate programs
Financial Expenditure Evaluation for Students (FEES) APAGS Website Financial Expenditure Evaluation for Students (FEES) tool to assist current and prospective students when evaluating the cost of attending a current or prospective program
Twitter Thread of Funded Terminal Masters in Psychology Ava Fergerson @avafergerson Twitter Thread Twitter thread with a list of funded terminal masters programs in psychology
Resources for International Students entering Clinical Psychology Programs - Google Docs Prepared by Julie Cristello, MS, Leanna Kalinowski, MA, Molin Shi, PhD, Xin “Alisa” Zhao, PhD Google Doc A resource to help international students navigate the admissions and internship process.

Other North American Programs (Canada)

Resource Title Author (s) Description
Canada Clinical Psychology University Programs A website with an updated list of Canadian Universities (CPA and non-CPA accredited) with Clinical Psychology programs as well as careers after graduation. Make sure to check out the CPA website ( ) for the list of accredited schools.
CPA Accredited Programmes CPA Canada The Canadian Psychological Association website with information on accredited clinical psychology universities.
Immigration Canada, Gouvernment of Canada Immigration Canada Gouvernment of Canada's website with information for international students to study in Canada.

Psychology PhD Advisor Databases

Title Author(s) Media Type Description
Psychology PhD Advisor Directory Psychin' Out Google Spreadsheet A centralized spreadsheet that lists PIs according to their institutions, topic areas & whether they’re accepting students
Mental Health Disparities Researcher Database Psychin' Out Google Spreadsheet A spreadsheet that lists researchers conducting mental health disparities research

Stage 2: What to do While in Grad School


Now that you’re in the space, trying to find balance between work, mental, and personal health can be difficult. These responsibilities can be even more difficult for marginalized students. Below are some resources that will cover a wide range of topics that may help you navigate the academic setting that you’re in.


  • How to manage negative experiences in graduate school, such as racism or microaggressions.
Name Description Media Type Author(s)
How to Retain Women of Color and Indigenous Women Grad Students Highlighting three crucial components that can help such students not only survive but also thrive at their institutions. Online article Kimberly D. McKee and Denise A. Delgado
Did you really just say that Advice from the APA on how to confront microaggressions, whether you're a target, bystander or perpetrator Online article Rebecca A. Clay
A Survival Guide for Black, Indigenous, and Other Women of Color in Academe Blog Post related to protecting oneself from racism encountered in academic life Blog post Aisha S. Ahmad
Dr. Alvin N. Alvarez: Navigating White supremacy in academia as a first year graduate student Dr. Alvarez shares his experience as a first year graduate Student of Color Video Dr. Alvin N. Alvarez
Tool: Interrupting Microaggressions A tool for interrupting and responding to microaggression as they occur PDF Adapted from Kenney, G. (2014)

Mentorship/Advisor Relationships

  • General tips for graduate students on mentoring relationships with faculty, including identifying and maintaining positive mentoring relationships
  • Tips for faculty on how to mentor graduate students during stressful times
  • Advice on switching advisors
Name Description Media Type Author(s)
Supporting Graduate Students During Stressful Times Principles and Approaches Graduate Programs and Mentors Can Use to Support Students Resource toolkit for mentors University of Michigan Mental Health Task Force
Advice From People Who Switched PhD Advisor Advice from a student about, selecting and advisor, changing advisors in graduate school and leaving your program Blog post Dr. Héloïse Stevance
How to Get the Mentoring You Want: A Guide for Graduate Students Informations on how to find a mentor, establishing a relationship, changing mentors and common issues for underrepresented students PDF University of Michigan Rackham Graduate School
Mentoring Advice for Doctoral Students Information about mentorship/advisors Online article University of Maryland College Park
Getting the Most from Advisors and Mentors Information about mentorship/advisors Online article Brown University
Mentor/Mentee Check-In Form This Mentor-Mentee Check-In document is intended to facilitate conversations between faculty mentors and graduate student mentees to improve their working relationship and promote student success. Google Doc Academy of Psychological Science
Twitter Thread by Suhas Eswarappa Prameela @suhas_prameela Thread about mentorship Twitter thread Suhas Eswarappa Prameela @suhas_prameela

Professional Development

  • How to advocate and amplify yourself as a racial/ethnic marginalized student
  • General research/writing skill development
  • Funding resources
Name Description Media Type Author(s)
How to create a better research poster in less time Youtube video on how to create a more visually appealing and informative research poster. links to template and examples in the video description Youtube video Mike Morrison
How to Write a Lot: A Practical Guide to Productive Academic Writing In this practical, light-hearted, and encouraging book, Paul J. Silvia explains that writing productively does not require innate skills or special traits but specific tactics and actions. Drawing on examples from his own field of psychology, he shows readers how to overcome motivational roadblocks and become prolific without sacrificing evenings, weekends, and vacations. After describing strategies for writing productively, the author gives detailed advice from the trenches on how to write, submit, revise, and resubmit articles, how to improve writing quality, and how to write and publish academic work. Book Paul J. Silva
OpenAcademics A collection of various resources related to academic writing and more Blog A diverse range of graduate students and professors
Learn how to use Zotero in 30 minutes - YouTube Zotero is a downloadable citation manager, allowing you to collect web references with one click and then easily create bibliographies. This comprehensive 30-minute tutorial will take you through all the major features of Zotero, from installation, gathering research, and creating bibliographies. Video Paul V. Galvin Library
Writing a scientific article: A step-by-step guide for beginners - ScienceDirect Article on writing a scientific article: A step-by-step guide for beginners Research article Ecarnot, F., Seronde, M. F., Chopard, R., Schiele, F., & Meneveau, N. (2015)
Graduate Student Funding Opportunities An excel sheet of filled with a range of Graduate Student Funding Opportunities Excel Sheet Johns Hopkins University
Clearinghouse of Helpful Resources for Graduate Students Google doc of resources for current clinical psychology graduate students Resource toolkit Academy of Psychological Clinical Science Student Engagement Committee
Open Grants This is an online repository for applications that got funded or rejected. Applicants share their essays as examples for future applicants. (E.g. NSF, NIH, Ford, etc). Online repository Made by Weecology with Funding from Moore Foundation

Managing Mental Health/Self-Care

  • Managing mental health, racial trauma, and self-care as a racial/ethnic marginalized student
Name Description Media Type Author(s)
Black Lives Matter Meditations for Healing Racial Trauma A 17 minute guided meditation using mindfulness, affirmation, and metta (loving-kindness) Mindfulness meditation Dr. Candice Nicole
Racial Trauma Toolkit A toolkit for managing symptoms of racial trauma Resource toolkit Boston College
Radical Self-Care in the Face of Mounting Racial Stress Self-care in response to racial trauma Online article Psychology of Radical Healing Collective
SPOKENproject SPOKENproject aims to provide racial/ethnic marginalized individuals a space to give voice to their experiences, share strategies for coping with racism, and find validation, support, and a sense of connection - and ultimately help to resist, deconstruct, and dismantle racism. Youtube videos SPOKENproject
BIPOC Let's Talk Student Counseling Center Resources of professionals with lived experience of racism offering support to those who are feeling the emotional impacts of racist violence and microaggressions, as well as the emotional impacts of immigration struggles and other cross-cultural issues. Resources Pacific University Oregon; Dr. Wan-Chen Weng
Twitter Thread by @PhdExhausted Thread on the thesis defense experience with some helpful tips around how to manage distress/anxiety Twitter thread @PhdExhausted

Managing Mental Health/Self-care in the Context of Therapy

Name Description Media Type Author(s)
Twitter Thread by Vanessa @_nessiethegreat Thread about how majority identities are centered as "neutral" in conversations about identity, and how that is harmful and dangerous Twitter thread @_nessiethegreat
Training Group Therapists to Respond to Microaggressions" This video describes the complex factors present when microaggressions occur in group psychotherapy and provides a training model that addresses barriers to microaggression responsiveness and facilitates complex skill building Video Drs. Claudia Mejia and Noelle Lefforge
Students Unified for Safe Supervision in Psychology (SUSS-P) Open source Google sheet for anyone to post a safe supervisor/mentor name anonymously through the comment function Google sheet SUSS-P
Latinx Youth and Family Resources This resource page documents interventions, books, and resources families, educators, and practitioners can use to support the development of Latinx youth. The curated list of books also notes themes and ideas for activities that can be used to affirm Latinx youths’ cultural strengths and raise their political knowledge and motivation to engage against racism. Resource page University of Michigan - National Center for Institutional Diversity (NCID) & Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (ODEI)

Collective Action/Organizing Efforts

  • Resources related to taking action to dismantle systems
Name Description Media Type Author(s)
Training Materials/Resources to Advance Antiracism and Racial Social Justice A wide range of training resources for racial social justice Google Doc SURJ SB: Showing Up for Racial Justice, Santa Barbara
Helping Give Away Psychological Science/Addressing Systemic Shortcomings in Mental Health Training Programs: Toward an Anti-Racist Model - Wikiversity A wide range of resources for addressing systemic shortcomings in mental health training programs Wiki page HGAPS
BIPOC-authored Psychology Papers The BIPOC-authored Psychology Papers spreadsheet is intended for use by instructors of undergraduate/graduate-level psychology courses to help diversify their syllabi. Google Doc This spreadsheet is moderated by Erica Wojcik, Assistant Professor at Skidmore College
Eliminating Race-Based Mental Health Disparities: Promoting Equity and Culturally Responsive Care across Settings Eliminating Race-Based Mental Health Disparities offers concrete guidelines and evidence-based best practices for addressing racial inequities and biases in clinical care. Book Dr. Monnica T. Williams, Dr. Daniel C. Rosen, and Dr. Jonathan W. Kante

Stage 3: Internships, Postdocs, Job Market


At this point, you want to make sure that again just like when applying for school, you have the support you need to thrive in your next academic environment. Also, ensuring that your value is not just tied to the fact that you are a marginalized person but because you have excellent scholarship.



Information related to internship and studying for the Examination for Professional Practice in Psychology (EPPP)

  • Join the APPIC Match Listserv to receive helpful information about the internship application/matching process. To join, send a blank email to
Name Description Author(s)
Internship Application Tips Recommendations for APPIC internship applications Dr. Grace Chen
Internship Preparedness: A FAQ from the Academy of Psychological Clinical Science Internship Programs APCS FAQ about internship applications Academy of Psychological Clinical Science
Russ & Noah's Internship Handbook Free internship handbook with specific tools, tips and materials for applicants Advancing Research on Change Lab
Pre-doctoral Internship Sites Canada Few link on sites to apply to for pre-doctoral internship in Canada Canadian Psychological Association
Internship match tips ( Post on how to get a measure on the competitiveness of an internship program Sadie F. Dingfelder
Application To-dos for July 2.0 Suggested tasks to complete in July for the internship application process Dr. Grace Chen
Applying to Clinical Internships: Insider Tips for Maximizing Your Success – 2021 Annual webinar hosted by Division 53 providing tips for applying to clinical internships Society of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology - APA Division 53
Resources for International Students entering Clinical Psychology Programs A resource to help international students navigate the admissions and internship process Prepared by Julie Cristello, MS, Leanna Kalinowski, MA, Molin Shi, PhD, Xin “Alisa” Zhao, PhD
APPIC Directory The APPIC Directory is provided as a service to students, graduate faculty, and training directors in identifying APPIC-member internship and post-doctoral training programs that are likely to meet specific training needs APPIC
Internships in Psychology: The APAGS Workbook for Writing Successful Applications and Finding the Right Fit, Fourth Edition A hands-on workbook provides doctoral psychology students with all the resources they need to successfully navigate the internship application process. Dr. Carol Williams-Nickelson, Dr. Mitchell J. Prinstein, and Dr. W. Gregory Keilin
Preparing for Clinical Psychology Internship Interviews as a Minority Student Recorded webinar for minoritized students preparing for clinical psychology internships interviews. Hosted by the Society for Black Neuropsychology & ANST
DEMYSTIFYING the EPPP A PowerPoint covering information containing general information and study tips about the EPPP Rory Feeney, Psy.D., L.P. Allina Health
EPPP Presentation A PowerPoint covering information containing general information and study tips about the EPPP Jennifer Beeghly, Psy.D & Nicole Jackson, Ph.D.

Post-doc Experience

  • Information related to post-doc experiences (why do one? (e.g., publications, training, licensure & funding)
    • Join the Postdoc News Listserv to receive up-to-date information about the postdoctoral application and selection process. To join, send a blank email to
Name Description Author(s)
Clinical Child & Pediatric Psychology Postdoctoral Positions List of programs that includes all Universal Psychology Postdoctoral Directory (UPPD) program listings that self-identified as at least one of the following: a) Specialty Recognized by COS = Clinical Child Psychology or b) Emphasis or focus area = Child/adolescent or c) Agency type = either Children’s hospital or School-based AND selected Yes for Following APPIC PD Selection Standards. The Clinical Child & Pediatric Psychology Training Council (CCaPPTC) Board of Directors
Ford Foundation Fellowships Through its program of fellowships, the Ford Foundation seeks to increase the diversity of the nation’s college and university faculties by increasing their ethnic and racial diversity, maximize the educational benefits of diversity, and increase the number of professors who can and will use diversity as a resource for enriching the education of all students. Predoctoral, Dissertation, and Postdoctoral fellowships will be awarded in a national competition administered by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine on behalf of the Ford Foundation. The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine
NSF Fellowship Information/Advice on applying for the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship with Examples Alex Lang
APPIC Postdoc Selection Narrated PowerPoint - YouTube The APPIC Postdoctoral Committee has developed a Narrated PowerPoint for applicants and internship training directors and others to use to educate current interns (postdoctoral program applicants) about the selection process and how to more successfully use the Postdoctoral Selection Guidelines. APPIC Postdoctoral Committee
To post-doc or not to post-doc? A blog post about deciding to post-doc following a Clinical Psychology PhD A blog post about deciding to post-doc following a Clinical Psychology PhD Serena Corsini-Munt & the Couples & Sexual Health Laboratory
ASPPB: Psychology Licensing Requirements This resource contains the basic information for licensure of psychologists in the United States and Canada ASPPB
Psychology Job Wiki 2020-2021 This crowdsourced site is intended to provide information to applicants about the status of academic job searches (and post-docs) occurring in the 2021-2022 academic year in all areas of psychology.

Different Career Paths

  • Information about different career paths (R1, academia, community engagement, activism, private practice)
Name Description Author(s)
Presumed Incompetent: The Intersections of Race and Class for Women in Academia Presumed Incompetent is an account of the intersecting roles of race, gender, and class in the working lives of women faculty of color. Edited by Gabriella Gutiérrez y Muhs, Yolanda Flores Niemann, Carmen G. Gonzalez and Angela P. Harris
Surviving Clinical Psychology Navigating Personal, Professional and Political Selves on the Journey to Qualification This vital new book navigates the personal, professional, and political selves on the journey to training in clinical psychology. Readers will be able to explore a range of ways to enrich their practice through a focus on identities and differences, relationships and power within organizations, supervisory contexts, therapeutic conventions, and community approaches. Edited by James Randall
The Professor Is In: The Essential Guide To Turning Your Ph.D. Into a Job The definitive career guide for grad students, adjuncts, post-docs and anyone else eager to get tenure or turn their Ph.D. into their ideal job. Now, for the first time ever, Karen has poured all her best advice into a single handy guide that addresses the most important issues facing any Ph.D., including:

-When, where, and what to publish

-Writing a foolproof grant application

-Cultivating references and crafting the perfect CV

-Acing the job talk and campus interview

-Avoiding the adjunct trap

-Making the leap to nonacademic work, when the time is right

Karen Kelsky
Psychology Job Wiki 2021-2022 This crowdsourced site is intended to provide information to applicants about the status of academic job searches occurring in the 2021-2022 academic year in all areas of psychology.
Jobs in Tech Policy Twitter thread for grads with a background in clinical or developmental psych wanting to make a shift to work in tech policy. @RynLinthicum

Marginalized Survival Kit: Navigating Academia as a Marginalized Student - Google Sheets

Resources Listed by Medium


NOTE: The resources listed below are the same as the resources above, but organized by medium rather than career stage.


Resource Title Author(s) Description
Addressing Race-Based Stress in Therapy with Black Clients Dr. Monica Johnson , Dr. Michelle Melton An adapted DBT Manual that helps to address race-based stress for Black clients
A Field Guide to Grad School: Uncovering the Hidden Curriculum Dr. Jess Calarco An essential handbook to the unwritten and often unspoken knowledge and skills you need to succeed in grad school
Anti-Oppressive Counseling and Psychotherapy: Action for Personal and Social Change


Dr. Jason Brown In Anti-Oppressive Counseling and Psychotherapy, Jason D. Brown examines the impact of structural inequality on mental health and provides a framework for an anti-oppressive practice that recognizes privilege and challenges systemic barriers. I
Eliminating Race-Based Mental Health Disparities: Promoting Equity and Culturally Responsive Care across Settings Monnica T. Williams PhD ABPP (Editor), Daniel C. Rosen PhD (Editor), Jonathan W. Kanter PhD (Editor), Patricia Arredondo EdD NCC (Foreword) Eliminating Race-Based Mental Health Disparities offers concrete guidelines and evidence-based best practices for addressing racial inequities and biases in clinical care.
HOODED: A Black Girl's Guide to the PhD Dr. Malika Grayson In Hooded: A Black Girl's Guide to the PhD, Dr. Malika Grayson offers an account of surviving and thriving as a doctoral candidate in STEM
How to Write a Lot: A Practical Guide to Productive Academic Writing Dr. Paul J. Silvia In this practical, light-hearted, and encouraging book, Paul J. Silvia explains that writing productively does not require innate skills or special traits but specific tactics and actions
Latina Psychologists: Thriving in the Cultural Borderlands Edited by Drs. Lillian Comas-Diaz and Carmen Inoa Vazquez In this book, twelve eminent Latina Psychologists illustrate how they practice gender- and culture-sensitive psychotherapy, counseling, research, pedagogy, social justice, and mentoring.
Letters To My Sisters & Brothers: Practical Advice to Successfully Navigate Academia as a Student of Color Dr. Nelson O. O. Zounlome Letters To My Sisters & Brothers: Practical Advice to Successfully Navigate Academia is a workbook specifically designed with culturally relevant advice and evidence-based exercises to help students of color thrive.
Presumed Incompetent: The Intersections of Race and Class for Women in Academia Dr. Angela P. Haris Presumed Incompetent is an account of the intersecting roles of race, gender, and class in the working lives of women faculty of color.
Surviving Clinical Psychology: Navigating Personal, Professional, and Political Selves on the Journey to Qualification Dr. James Randall Surviving Clinical Psychology invites those early on in their careers to link ‘the political’ to personal and professional development in a way that is creative, critical and values-based, and will be of interest to pre-qualified psychologists and researchers, and those mentoring early-career practitioners.
The Professor Is In: The Essential Guide To Turning Your Ph.D. Into a Job Dr. Karen Kelsky The definitive career guide for grad students, adjuncts, post-docs and anyone else eager to get tenure or turn their Ph.D. into their ideal job. Now, for the first time ever, Karen has poured all her best advice into a single handy guide that addresses the most important issues facing any Ph.D.,
Insider's Guide to Graduate Programs in Clinical and Counseling Psychology: 2022/2023 edition John C. Norcross & Michael A. Sayette A definitive guide for prospective graduate students in clinical and counseling psychology has now been revised and updated for 2022/2023, with all-new data on more than 300 doctoral programs. Make sure to also check for the most recent edition!
Mitch’s Uncensored Advice for Applying to Graduate School in Clinical Psychology Dr. Mitch Prinstein A brief guide designed to provide an overview of different types of possible career options in the mental health industry, as well as specific information about the application/interview process.
Internships in Psychology: The APAGS Workbook for Writing Successful Applications and Finding the Right Fit, Fourth Edition Dr. Carol Williams-Nickelson, Dr. Mitchell J. Prinstein, and Dr. W. Gregory Keilin A hands-on workbook provides doctoral psychology students with all the resources they need to successfully navigate the internship application process.
Eliminating Race-Based Mental Health Disparities: Promoting Equity and Culturally Responsive Care across Settings Dr. Monnica T. Williams, Dr. Daniel C. Rosen, and Dr. Jonathan W. Kante Eliminating Race-Based Mental Health Disparities offers concrete guidelines and evidence-based best practices for addressing racial inequities and biases in clinical care.

Blogs, Websites, and Other Online Resources

Name Author(s) Description
A Guide to Navigating the EPPP Process Drs. Jennifer Beeghly, Nicole Jackson, and AJ Cara Pendergrass Powerpoint for a workshop for participants looking to understand the Examination for Professional Practice in Psychology (EPPP)
A Guide for Underrepresented Students Applying to Graduate Programs in Clinical Psychology Francisco A. Reinosa Segovia, Giovanni Ramos, Sabrina Liu, and Nadi Paranamana Guide for underrepresented students applying to graduate programs in clinical psychology created by student members and representatives of American Psychological Association’s Division 12, Section 6, the Clinical Psychology of Ethnic Minorities
APCS Student Engagement Committee Clearinghouse Academy of Psychological Clinical Science Student Engagement Committee Google doc of resources for current clinical psychology graduate students
Applying to Grad School on a Budget and Navigating the Process: a Saga Alexis S. Smith-Flores Resources for navigating the financial aspects of applying to graduate school
Anti-Racism Resource Guide LibGuides at Tufts University Extensive Resource Guide for Marginalized Students
Book Psychology Licensing Requirements] The Association of State and Provincial Psychology Boards This resource contains the basic information for licensure of psychologists in the United States and Canada. All information contained in this database was collected directly from our membership of psychology licensing boards and is provided to PSY|Book users by ASPPB for reference purposes.
A Survival Guide for Black, Indigenous, and Other Women of Color in Academe Dr. Aisha S. Ahmad Blog Post related to protecting oneself from racism encountered in academic life
BIPOC Let's Talk Student Counseling Center Dr. Wan-Chen Weng Resources Related To Taking Actions To Dismantle Systems
BIPOC Survival : A Conversation about the Malignant Intersection of Narcissism and Racism in Anthropology and Academia Chelsey R. Carter Blog post about surviving in academia
Clinical Psychology Graduate School Personal Statement Examples Drs. Craig Rodriguez-Seijas and Jessica Schleider This document has examples of personal essays that might be helpful for applicants. This document goes along with a wealth of other resources that can be helpful for students thinking about applying to graduate school to work with either of professor, or just in general ( (
Diversity in Graduate Recruitment Programs Psychology Undergraduate Advising, University of Minnesota List of Graduate Recruitment Programs for URM
Diversity Recruitment Programs Society of Personality and Social Psychology /Jang Kang List of schools who do undergrad and grad recruiting weekends/events for URM
Dr. E's Academic Twitter Primer Dr. Tory Eisenlohr-Moul A how-to guide to getting started on Academic Twitter.
Financial Expenditure Evaluation for Students (FEES) APAGS Financial Expenditure Evaluation for Students (FEES) tool to assist current and prospective students when evaluating the cost of attending a current or prospective program.
First-Gen's Guide to Grad School Erica Blog helping first-gen students along their PhD journey
Free and low cost resources for graduate students, post-docs, and early career researchers (or really anyone else) Dr. Jaclyn A. Siegel Free Resources for anyone! Time management, note-taking, software, etc
Graduate School Application Resources Emily Bibby Graduate school application resources
Grad School Substack Dr. Jess Calarco Newsletter on Grad School/Hidden Curriculum
How to Cover Letter Dr. Michael Breakspear A brief twitter thread about cover letters from a scientific editor's perspective
Internship Preparedness: A FAQ from the Academy of Psychological Clinical Science Internship Program Academy of Psychological Clinical Science This is advice from Academy faculty in internship leadership positions, but other training directors might suggest different considerations, especially in relation to unique student situations. In addition, not all of the Academy internship training directors are represented below. The responses to these FAQs, then, represent general guidelines rather than imperatives, and it will be useful for any given student to filter this advice through the lens of his or her own unique training experiences and qualifications.
Internship Site List Dr. Grace Chen Recommendations for APPIC internship applications and making a list of sites
Mental Health Disparities Researcher Database Psychin' Out A google doc of researchers with an interest in mental health disparities
Mentor/Mentee Check-In Form Academy of Psychological Science This Mentor-Mentee Check-In document is intended to facilitate conversations between faculty mentors and graduate student mentees to improve their working relationship and promote student success.
Navigating the Academic Job Market Twitter Thread Dr. Kevin Wong Dr. Wong's tenure-track application process explained in a Twitter thread.
Latinx Grad Journey Anonymous A blog for everyone and anyone looking for some insight into the Clinical Psychology Graduate application process or just the graduate process in general. In particular, the blogger wants students of color and low-income students to use this blog as a resource and as a testament to the fact that you CAN DO IT TOO!
Mote Clinical Psych PhD Tip Sheet Dr. Jasmine Mote A of advice for choosing, applying to, and interviewing at clinical psych grad programs, including sample materials & links to resources
NSF Fellowship Advice Dr. Alex Hunter Lang Information/Advice on applying for the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship with Examples
OpenAcademics OpenAcademics Academia is a place of many challenges, where there is often a lack of support and understanding. The greater wanted to create a space for academics to interact with other academics, irrespective of career stage, discipline, or location. There is also a Twitter page to follow.
PhD Materials Jess Froe, @jess_froe Google Drive of application materials from a recent successful applicant in clinical psychology
Pre-Interview Prep Template Twitter Thread Dafna Paltin @PaltinD Interview prep template for clinical psych PhD programs
Psych Grad Corner Psych Grad Corner Team Psych Grad Corner provides resources for graduate training and internship for clinical, counseling, and school psychology doctoral students.
Psychology Job & Internship Opportunities Dr. Camilla McMahon Resources for undergraduates and recent graduates seeking full-time or summer employment
Psychin' Out Psychin' Out Psychin’ Out is a resource hub and global community of aspiring and current psychology students and trainees uplifting each other. Through open science, solidarity, and effective organizing, we are dismantling barriers that make psychology exclusive and ineffective.
Psychology PhD Advisor Directory Psychin' Out A centralized spreadsheet that lists PIs according to their institutions, topic areas & whether they’re accepting students
Psych Research List Dr. Meltem Yucel (@nm_yucel) A website that houses various lists for paid internships, virtual graduate school information sessions, resources for applying to graduate school and social/moral psychologists around the world.
Resources for Researchers Plasticity in Neurodevelopment Lab (PINE Lab) Below please find resources the PINE lab members have created or collated that they hope will 1) help everyone at any stage understand the academic system and how to move within this environment successfully, and 2) highlight ways this environment can and should change (that you can implement as an individual) to become more welcoming for everyone who wants to pursue science.
Russ & Noah's Internship Handbook Drs. Noah Emery and Russell Marks This is free internship handbook. In it, there is a general overview of the internship process, as well as specific tools, tips, and materials that the authors hope will help you succeed. They use bullet points and visual aids to simplify the process where possible.
SSCP Resources on Racism The Society for a Science of Clinical Psychology A list of resources related to addressing racism
Successful UBC-O Clinical Psychology Application Materials The Psychology Graduate Student Association & the Action for Inclusion, Diversity, and Equity in Psychology Committee A dpci,emt that contains a collection of personal statements and Tri-Council funding documents that were submitted as part of the applications of current UBC-Okanagan Clinical Psychology graduate students when applying to the program.
Thesis Defense Tips @PhdExhausted A Twitter thread of recommendations for thesis defense
The Ebony Tower Dr. Daphne Penn online community for and by scholars of color
The Professor Is In Dr. Karen Kelsky A website with guidance for all things PhD: Graduate School, Job Market, and Careers
Tips for Preparing a Strong CV Dr. Alayna Park Twitter thread discussing tips for a strong CV
Tips & Tricks About Academia Dr. Jess Calarco Collection of blog posts about academia-related concerns
Tool: Interrupting Microaggressions UCSC Academic Affairs A tool for interrupting and responding to microaggression as they occur
To post-doc or not post-doc? Couples & Sexual Health Laboratory A blog post about deciding to post-doc following a Clinical Psychology PhD
USA and Canada Psych PhD/PsyD GRE Requirements Psychin' Out Status of GRE requirements at PhD/PsyD programs
White Supremacy Culture Tema Okun This is a list of characteristics of white supremacy culture that show up in our


Fellowships and Grants

Name Funding Agency Description
APA Minority Fellowship Program (MFP) APA The APA MFP is an innovative, comprehensive and coordinated training, mentoring and career development program that enhances psychological and behavioral outcomes of ethnic minority communities. MFP is committed to increasing the number of ethnic minority professionals in the field and advancing our understanding of the life experiences of ethnic minority communities.
Canada Graduate Scholarships - Master's Program Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada The CGS M program provides financial support to high-calibre scholars who are engaged in eligible master’s or, in some cases, doctoral programs in Canada (refer to Eligibility). This support allows these scholars to fully concentrate on their studies in their chosen fields.
Canada Graduate Scholarships - Doctoral Programs Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada The CGS D program supports and promotes research excellence in a wide variety of disciplines and broad fields of health, natural sciences and engineering, and social sciences and humanities, including interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary research. This support allows scholars to fully concentrate on their doctoral studies, to seek out the best research mentors in their chosen fields and to contribute to the Canadian research ecosystem during and beyond the tenure of their awards.
Dissertation and Post Doc Fellowships Jomaira (@jomairabsp on Twitter) An example collection of dissertation and post doc funding opportunities and how they can be organized in a future oriented way.
Due Dates for Awards, Fellowships, and Other Research Activities Dr, Katherine S. Cho A collection of due dates for conferences, fellowships, and other applications curated by Dr. Katherine S. Cho.
Ford Foundation Fellowships Ford Foundation Through its program of fellowships, the Ford Foundation seeks to increase the diversity of the nation’s college and university faculties by increasing their ethnic and racial diversity, maximize the educational benefits of diversity, and increase the number of professors who can and will use diversity as a resource for enriching the education of all students. Predoctoral, Dissertation, and Postdoctoral fellowships will be awarded. Pre-Doc: $27,000 for three years, Dissertation: 28,000 for one year Postdoc: $50,000 for one year
Graduate Student Funding Opportunities John Hopkins University Research An excel sheet of filled with a rage of Graduate Student Funding Opportunities
National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellow program National Science Foundation NSF’s Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) recognizes and supports individuals early in their graduate training in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) fields.
Open Grants Ethan White This is an online repository for applications that got funded or rejected. Applicants share their essays as examples for future applicants. (E.g. NSF, NIH, Ford, etc).
Paul & Daisy Soros Fellowships for New Americans Paul and Daisy Soros Support for 30 New Americans, immigrants of the children of immigrants, who are pursuing graduate school in the United States. Each award is for a totalof $90,000 broken down into each year


Name Author(s) Description
Accessible Psychology and Academia Christin Mujica - @camujic A podcast to make psychology and academia more accessible. It has a focus on research but also will be discussing issues of applying to graduate school and surviving in graduate school at students from minoritized backgrounds.
BIPOC Navigating Grad School Podcast Episode Abolition Science Radio In this episode, we have an informal conversation with fellow doctoral students, Robert P. Robinson and Wendy Barrales, about our experiences in graduate school. We highlight some ways BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) navigate the so-called Ivory Tower. What does this mean to critically engage and develop our work within an academic institution? Listen in to this candid conversation.
Clinically Psyched Pod (@PodPsyched) / Twitter Cas; (@PodPsyched) A podcast dedicated to helping hopeful clinical psychology candidates demystify the application process! We want you to know the things we WISH we had been told during application season
Dear Grad Student Elana M. Gloger, M.S. A podcast for celebration, commiseration, and support through grad school for the students who are living it (or want to).
How To Do Grad School (Episode #7 Addressing Systemic Racism Through Research) Gerald Higginbotham Ph.D. Student in Social Psychology at University of California-Los Angeles A podcast to uncover the habits and systems grad students need to produce great research
PhDiversity Podcast (@phdiversitypod) Vanessa Counseling Psychology Ph.D. Student A podcast focused on demystifying the path to a Psychology PhD program and sharing counseling psychology content knowledge with a focus on diversity
The Liberation Now Podcast Liberation Lab from University of Illinois Liberation Now is a podcast about research, practice, and activism around healing and liberation of Black, Indigenous, and People of Color. We share inspirational content and stories to provide hope and possibilities for a more liberated future.
The Professor Is In Dr. Karen Kelsky, Kel Weinhold The Professor Is In answers all your questions about the academic career.
You Can Grad School (@can_grad) Kate McCormick (@k8_mcc) & Dustin Haraden (@DustinHaraden) Meetings held by grad students to make the experience easier. Come join Kate and Dustin as they talk about their experiences and things that they have found to help.


Name Author(s) Description
APPIC Postdoc Selection Narrated PowerPoint - YouTube APPIC Postdoctoral Committee The APPIC Postdoctoral Committee has developed a Narrated PowerPoint for applicants and internship training directors and others to use to educate current interns (postdoctoral program applicants) about the selection process and how to more successfully use the Postdoctoral Selection Guidelines.
APPIC Video Series: How to Prepare for Internship GradGirlRambles This 4-part series follows 3 predoctoral interns who just completed the APPIC internship process
Navigating White supremacy in academia as a first year graduate student Dr. Alvin N. Alvarez Dr. Alvarez shares his experience as a first year graduate Student of Color.
How to create a better research poster in less time Mike Morrison Youtube video on how to create a more visually appealing and informative research poster. links to template and examples in the video description. #betterposter
SPOKENproject SPOKENproject SPOKENproject aims to provide BIPOC a space to give voice to their experiences, share strategies for coping with racism, and find validation, support, and a sense of connection - and ultimately help to resist, deconstruct, and dismantle racism.
Training Group Therapists to Respond to Microaggressions" Drs. Claudia Mejia and Noelle Lefforge This video describes the complex factors present when microaggressions occur in group psychotherapy and provides a training model that addresses barriers to microaggression responsiveness and facilitates complex skill building


Name Author(s) Description
APAGS Committee for the Advancement of Racial and Ethnic Diversity APA Graduate Student Committee Committee for the Advancement of Racial and Ethnic Diversity (CARED) is a subcommittee of APAGS promoting diversity and representing and advocating for ethnic minority graduate psychology students.
Asian American Psychological Association advance the mental health and well-being of Asian American communities through research, professional practice, education, and policy.
Black Therapists Rock Black Therapists Rock is an organization that empowers over 20,000 mental health professionals to reduce inter-generational trauma in marginalized communities
The Ebony Tower Dr. Daphne Penn online community for and by scholars of color
Society for Research in Child Development Asian Caucus; Black Caucus; Latinx Caucus; SOGIE Caucus. Caucuses of the Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD) support the goal of integrating diversity in the broader society, as outlined in Goal 3 of SRCD’s Strategic Plan. Caucuses serve the purpose of providing support, networking opportunities, and dissemination venues for research by and about members of groups underrepresented in the study of child development. The Caucuses also advise about and advocate for diverse and inclusive representation on SRCD’s Governing Council, Committees, Editorial Boards, Review Panels, and Task Forces.
APA Minority Fellowship Program (MFP) APA The APA MFP is an innovative, comprehensive and coordinated training, mentoring and career development program that enhances psychological and behavioral outcomes of ethnic minority communities. MFP is committed to increasing the number of ethnic minority professionals in the field and advancing our understanding of the life experiences of ethnic minority communities.
Latinas Completing Doctoral Degrees Creator & Moderator Sofia Bautista Pertuz This group is for Latinas and anyone who wants to actively support, motivate and inspire Latinas considering a doctorate, currently working on one or who have already completed a doctoral degree. Basic guidelines for the group: please only post announcements, advice and resources geared toward research and scholarly writing and anything that you believe is affirming and motivating to Latinas who are in graduate school or considering attending.
The Asian Neuropsychological Association (ANA) A community of neuropsychologists working with Asian and Asian American populations.
Hispanic Neuropsychological Association A group of clinical and research neuropsychologists interested in promoting the competent practice of neuropsychology with Spanish-speaking populations.
Society for Black Neuropsychology An organization that promotes the discipline of neuropsychology related to Black populations.

Mental Health and Self Care

Name Author(s) Description
Black Lives Matter Meditation for Healing Racial Trauma Dr. Candice Nicole 17 minutes guided meditation using mindfulness, affirmation and metta
Radical Self-Care in the Face of Mounting Racial Stress The Psychology of Radical Healing Collective (Chen et al., 2019) Self-care tips for navigating racial stress
Racial Trauma Toolkit Boston College Institute for the Study and Promotion of Race and Culture (Jernigan et al., 2015) #racialtraumaisreal - toolkit for managing symptoms related to racial trauma
PhD Balance PhD Balance is a collaborative community empowering graduate students to build their personal and professional resilience. PhD Balance aims to increase visibility of those who have struggled with mental health issues, from students to postdocs, future PhDs to those who have long-since graduated.


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