Helicopter/Howard Community College/Fall2012/p3-550-mww/Android Tutorial

Android Tutorial


This is a tutorial on how to install Android OS onto a laptop and download NavAndrone application to fly the AR Quad copter. Equipment Needed: AR Qaudcopter , ASUS Eee PC 900HD (mini laptop), Flash Drive

Follow these Steps:

1) On separate PC or Laptop go to www.android-86.org/download.

  Scroll down to "android-x86-3.2-RC2-eeepc.iso"
  hit view then select save file.

2) Plug in your flash Drive into PC

  go to http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/ this software make your usb run on a live mode
  Select download for windows.
  save file find the file on your PC and select run.
  This will bring up a new window at the bottom of the file  select disk image 
  In the space provided to look for a file you are going to input the Android file
  that you save to your computer. 
  select that and select USB drive and select ok.

3) Now you take the USB drive and plug it into the Eee PC

  turn the laptop on and as soon as you are prompted to select F2 to go into BIOS
  In Bios go to the diferent tablets and set the flash drive as your first option to boot from
  Also make it the first option in your hardrive. 
  Once you do this then you hit F10 this will save your settings and restart your laptop.

4) This will give you another blue screen that asks you if you want to run Android OS or if

  you want to install it. 
  You select to install it.

5) Once it installs and brings up all the applications you connect to the internet.

 Then you go to PLAY STORE in here you type in your search box AR Drone free flight
 this will give you two applications to download NavAndrone and Androne Free Flyer
 Download both applications
 Open Navandrone then go to wifi and connect your Androne device. Then relaunch Navandrone
 This opens the application the power button starts the wings and the propellers start moving and you can fly the quadcopter.
 This application doe snot give you video but the second application Androne free flyer does.