Group isomorphisms/Automorphism/Introduction/Section
Let and be groups. A bijective group homomorphism
Bijective linear mappings are in particular group isomorphisms.
The groups and are called isomorphic, if there exists a group isomorphism
.Let and be groups, and let
be a group isomorphism. Then also the inverse mapping
This follows from
We consider the additive group of the real numbers, that is , and the multiplicative group of the positive real numbers, thus . Then the exponential function
is a group isomorphism. This rests on basic analytic properties of the exponential function. The homomorphism property is just a reformulation of the functional equation
The injectivity of the mapping follows from the strict monotonicity, the surjectivity follows from the Intermediate value theorem. The inverse mapping is the natural logarithm, which is also a group isomorphism.
Isomorphic groups are equal with respect to their group-theoretic properties. An isomorphism of a group to itself is called automorphism. The set of all automorphisms on form, with the composition of mappings, a group, which is denoted by and which is called the automorphism group of . Important examples of automorphisms are the so-called inner automorphisms.
Let be a group, and be fixed. The mapping defined by ,
The mapping is also called the conjugation with . If is a commutative Gruppe, then, because of , the identity is the only inner automorphism. Therefore, this concept is only interesting for non-commutative groups.
We have
so that this is a group homomorphism. We have
This implies, on one hand, that
therefore, is bijective and an automorphism. On the other hand, this implies that the total mapping is a group homomorphism.
For a fixed invertible matrix , the conjugation
is just the mapping that assigns, to a describing matrix of a linear mapping with respect to a basis, the describing matrix with respect to a new basis.