Graphic Design/Design Process/Refinement
After completing the thumbnail sketches, you need to pick your top 3 sketches to expand upon and refine to fruition. You should probably have another designer pick 3 of his/her favorite to refine as well.
So after you refine those 6 thumbnails to a point where they make visual sense, you need to put them through the acid Kool-Aid test known as......the critique.
The critique is basically when you show your work to somebody else and see what they think of what you've made. The critique person can be pretty much anyone, but ideally the person who does the critique should be sombody in the target audience for your product or somebody else in the design field.
The more critical the person, the better your composition will be, so don't ever be offend by what sombody says during a critique.
After the initial critique, you should make the changes and re-print the composition when you are satisfied by it and show it to the client for one final critique.
If the client gives it the O.K.(make sure that they sign off on it) then proceed to the next step of the design process, Implementation.
Assignment 4: Refine/Critique
1. Choose 3 thumbnail sketches from the 200 that you completed for "Leo's Lemon Grove" and refine them to a near final state kind of like a prototype
2. Have a friend choose 3 thumbnail sketches and refine them to a near final state
3. Have a friend critique your final work.
4. Then add to your portfolio.