Goal setting activity

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Introduction Goal Setting Process Exercise Designing Goal Setting Activity Practice

Now for the last step of this Wikiversity lesson, you will be creating a action plan for a goal setting activity that your own learners will go through when they are taking your instruction.
It should be based on the topic of your own instruction and you need to specify your learners (e.g. 15 grade 11 students), types of your instruction (e.g. face-to-face classroom instruction) and the duration (e.g. 10 minute out of 1 hour instruction) as well as the timing (e.g. At the beginning of the class) of your goal setting activity on your action plan.

For next 8 minutes, try to design an detailed outline for the goal setting activity for your own instruction. You can use Micro Word or Google Doc, basically any kinds of tools that support creating a document.

Examples of the elements you need to include in your outline are:

  • Topic of your instruction
  • Information about your learners
  • Context information
  • Duration of the main instruction as well as the goal setting activity
  • Timing of the goal setting activity
  • Task goals and process goals
  • SMART goals

While you are creating an outline or once you create it, you can refer to the following checklist and see if your own plan has all the necessary elements to accomplish successful goal setting activity.

Checklist for Goal Setting Activity

Criteria Description Check
Topic The document clearly states the topic of the instruction
Learner The document identifies necessary information about the learners
Context The document clearly specifies the context of instruction
Duration The document clearly states the length of the goal setting activity
Timing The document clearly states the timing of the goal setting activity
Task goal The activity clearly addresses a task goal
Process goal The activity clearly addresses process goals
Smart The task and process goals are specific enough
sMart The task and process goals include measurable criteria
smArt The task and process goals seem realistic to accomplish
smaRt The task and process goals are relevant enough to the objective of the instruction
smarT The task and process goals include time frame to accomplish them

Meeting more than 10 out of 12 criteria will be considered as a pass for this Wikiversity lesson.



In this lesson, you have learned the different types of goals and how to create a SMART goals.
Task goals are goals you want your learners to complete as a result of your instruction whereas process goals are goals that reflect the processes that the learners need to accomplish to achieve the task outcome.

When you set up your own goals, remember the SMART framework to make your goals more effective.

Goals need to be: S: Specific, Goals need to be clear and specific about what is expected, why it is important, who needs to be involved and so on M: Measurable, Goals need to include criteria to measure its progress toward success A: Attainable, Goals need to be realistic and attainable R: Relevant, Goals need to be relevant. Is it necessary for you? At this moment? Are you the right person? T: Time-bound, Goals need to be time-bound so that you can work on accomplishing them within the time frame. This helps your commitment

Lastly, when you are actually designing your own goal setting activity, remember Standard three-part skill-development model and Elaboration Theory

Congratulations on completing this Wikiversity lesson!!!

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