Generation Mccrindle Pew Strauss-Howe
Arthurian N/A N/A 1433-1460 (28)
Humanist 1461-1482 (22)
Reformation 1483-1511 (29)
Reprisal 1512-1540 (29)
Elizabethan 1541-1565 (25)
Parliamentary 1566-1587 (22)
Puritan 1588-1617 (30)
Cavalier 1618-1647 (30)
Glorious 1648-1673 (26)
Enlightenment 1674-1700 (27)
Awakening 1701-1723 (23)
Liberty 1724-1741 (18)
Republican 1742-1766 (25)
Compromise 1767-1791 (25)
Transcendental 1792-1821 (30)
Gilded 1822-1842 (21)
Progressive 1843-1859 (17)
Missionary 1860-1882 (23)
Lost 1883-1900 (18)
G.I. ?-1924 ?-1927 1901-1924 (24)
Silent 1925-1945 (21) 1928-1945 (18) 1925-1942 (18)
Baby boom 1946-1964 (19) 1946-1964 (19) 1943-1960 (18)
Generation X 1965-1979 (15) 1965-1980 (16) 1961-1981 (21)
Millennial 1980-1994 (15) 1981-1996 (16) 1982-2005 (24)
Generation Z 1995-2009 (15) 1997-2012 (16) N/A
Generation Alpha 2010-2024 (15) 2013-? 2006-2029 (24)
Generation Beta 2025-2039 (15) TBD TBD
Birth year range McCrindle Pew Strauss-Howe Summary
1433-1460 N/A N/A Arthurian Arthurian
1461-1482 Humanist Humanist
1483-1511 Reformation Reformation
1512-1540 Reprisal Reprisal
1541-1565 Elizabethan Elizabethan
1566-1587 Parliamentary Parliamentary
1588-1617 Puritan Puritan
1618-1647 Cavalier Cavalier
1648-1673 Glorious Glorious
1674-1700 Enlightenment Enlightenment
1701-1723 Awakening Awakening
1724-1741 Liberty Liberty
1742-1766 Republican Republican
1767-1791 Compromise Compromise
1792-1821 Transcendental Transcendental
1822-1842 Gilded Gilded
1843-1859 Progressive Progressive
1860-1882 Missionary Missionary
1883-1900 Lost Lost
1901-1924 G.I. G.I
1925-1927 Builder Silent G.I Silent
1928-1942 Silent Silent
1943-1945 Baby Boom Silent Baby Boom
1946-1960 Baby Boom Baby Boom Baby Boom
1961-1964 Generation X Baby Boom Generation X
1965-1979 Generation X Generation X Generation X
1980 Generation Y Generation X Millennial
1981 Millennial Generation X Millennial
1982-1994 Millennial Millennial
1995-1996 Generation Z Millennial Generation Z
1997-2005 Generation Z Millennial Generation Z
2006-2009 Homeland Generation Z Generation Alpha
2010-2012 Generation Alpha Generation Z Generation Alpha
2013-2024 TBD Generation Alpha
2025-2029 Generation Beta TBD
2030-2039 TBD
Generation Strictest Probable Broadest
Arthurian 1433-1460 (28) 1433-1460 (28) 1433-1460 (28)
Humanist 1461-1482 (22) 1461-1482 (22) 1461-1482 (22)
Reformation 1483-1511 (29) 1483-1511 (29) 1483-1511 (29)
Reprisal 1512-1540 (29) 1512-1540 (29) 1512-1540 (29)
Elizabethan 1541-1565 (25) 1541-1565 (25) 1541-1565 (25)
Parliamentary 1566-1587 (22) 1566-1587 (22) 1566-1587 (22)
Puritan 1588-1617 (30) 1588-1617 (30) 1588-1617 (30)
Cavalier 1618-1647 (30) 1618-1647 (30) 1618-1647 (30)
Glorious 1648-1673 (26) 1648-1673 (26) 1648-1673 (26)
Enlightenment 1674-1700 (27) 1674-1700 (27) 1674-1700 (27)
Awakening 1701-1723 (23) 1701-1723 (23) 1701-1723 (23)
Liberty 1724-1741 (18) 1724-1741 (18) 1724-1741 (18)
Republican 1742-1766 (25) 1742-1766 (25) 1742-1766 (25)
Compromise 1767-1791 (25) 1767-1791 (25) 1767-1791 (25)
Transcendental 1792-1821 (30) 1792-1821 (30) 1792-1821 (30)
Gilded 1822-1842 (21) 1822-1842 (21) 1822-1842 (21)
Progressive 1843-1859 (17) 1843-1859 (17) 1843-1859 (17)
Missionary 1860-1882 (23) 1860-1882 (23) 1860-1882 (23)
Lost 1883-1900 (18) 1883-1900 (18) 1883-1900 (18)
G.I. 1901-1924 (24) 1901-1924 (24) 1901-1927 (27)
Silent 1928-1942 (15) 1925-1945 (21) 1925-1945 (21)
Baby Boom 1946-1960 (15) 1946-1964 (19) 1943-1964 (22)
Generation X 1965-1979 (15) 1965-1980 (16) 1961-1981 (21)
Millennial 1982-1994 (13) 1981-1996 (16) 1980-2005 (26)
Generation Z N/A 1997-2009 (13) 1995-2012 (18)
Generation Alpha 2013-2024 (12) 2010-? 2006-2029 (24)
Generation Beta TBD TBD 2025-?



[a] Mccrindle's 'Builders' align best with other models' Silent Generation

[b] Mccrindle's 'Generation Y' aligns best with other models' Millennial Generation

[c] Whilst not explicit, any direct successor of Generation Z proposed by Pew Research Center must align best with other Mccrindle's 'Gen Alpha' and S&H's 'Homeland Generation'

[d] S&H's 'Homeland Generation' aligns best with Mccrindle's Gen Alpha

