Federal Writers' Project – Life Histories/2020/Fall/105/Section059/Miles Thorton


Miles Thorton is the son of a physician. Thorton is also originally from Memphis, Tennessee. Thorton went to school from the time he was six to when he was fifteen or sixteen years old. At fifteen and sixteen, he decided to drop out to follow the steps of his father to become a physician. Thorton however had many occupations. For example, he worked in the cotton industry, medical industry, and the hotel industry. At the time, Thorton lived through the start of World War II. He specifically mentions Hitler and Mussolini and how the people should kill them. During this time, there was a push around the country to stand up against communism because of the things that people saw were happening in Europe. Thorton is clearly standing up against this. Thorton also lived through the times of segregation. His father owned a plantation but had both white and black workers. Thorton says that the workers were well treated and respected his father. This would date back from the current time that Thorton was living, as slavery was illegal. This shows how Thorton’s family was during times of slavery. Thorton also lived through the time of the Great Depression. Luckily during this time, Miles Thorton was able to work for his brother W. I. Thorton. This reassures the fact that Thorton and his family truly had “cotton in their blood.”

Social Context

World War II

The rise of World War II was one of the most tragic events in the history of the world. In March of 1936, Adolf Hitler told the German troops to reoccupy the demilitarized left bank of the Rhine. This went against what his advisers had suggested. This officially began World War II. From here out, Hitler was determined to take over Europe to make a super empire. The United States officially joined the war after the Japanese Empire attacked Pearl Harbor in Hawaii. By joining the War, the United States was lifted out of the Great Depression, and many men and even women were given work as a result of the War. This was a huge advancement for women across the country. When men went overseas to serve, women were left to run the home and contribute to the war effort by going to work. Women went to work in different factories, and other establishments. During the time period before the war, this was unheard of for women. There were jobs during this time period that were designated as jobs for males and females. So, when females went to work, this gave great hope to them. This is where Rosie the Riveter was established. Rosie was used by the United States Government to help encourage women to contribute to the war effort.

Medicine and Heath in the 1940s

In the 1940s, there were several diseases and epidemics that threatened people. These include, “influenza, polio, malaria, typhus, dengue fever, and yellow fever.” This was actually caused by American Military members. When they returned from overseas, they brought these different diseases with them. This led to the formation of the Center of Disease Control (CDC). During this time however, minority groups were not given the same opportunities to become doctors. One reason for this was overcrowding. Jews, Italians, and African Americans found it difficult to find a place at medical colleges. One out of every thirteen Jews were accepted. For African Americans however, medical schools in the south were closed to black students. A third of the schools were located in the South.

Cotton Farming in the 1920’s

During the 1920’s and throughout the early 1900’s, cotton was a vital part to the American South. It was cotton that drove the economic success of the South. Cotton was a source of money for many in the South. During the times of the Great Depression, cotton still drove the South even through difficult times. If you were lucky enough to be in the business during these times, you stayed in the business. One person even suggested, “No cotton, no money.” During this time, the Agricultural Adjustment Administration (AAA) was created. This was created to help farmers rebound from the drop of prices in farming products due to the economic fallout. The AAA wanted farmers to produce less so that way there would be more of a demand for the product, furthermore, increasing the price of the product. Cotton, wheat, corn, tobacco, rice, hogs, and milk were the farm products that were identified to do this.






  1. "The Farming Problem." Ushistory.org. Accessed October 20, 2020. https://www.ushistory.org/us/49c.asp.
  2. Cash, Grace. "Cotton Farming in the 1920's." The Mountain Laurel. Accessed October 01, 2020. http://www.mtnlaurel.com/life-stories/60-child-of-the-1920-s/1513-cotton-farming-in-the-1920-s.html.
  3. o  "." U*X*L American Decades. . Encyclopedia.com. 11 Aug. 2020 ." Encyclopedia.com. October 01, 2020. Accessed October 01, 2020. https://www.encyclopedia.com/social-sciences/culture-magazines/1940s-medicine-and-health-topics-news.
  4. o  History.com Editors. "Adolf Hitler." History.com. October 29, 2009. Accessed October 01, 2020. https://www.history.com/topics/world-war-ii/adolf-hitler-1.