Extrahepatic Manifestations of Liver Disease (OSCE)
- LOC, delirium, coma
- asterixis (arms out, dorsiflexed hands, eyes closed → hepatic encephalopathy)
- Cheyne-Stokes (encephalopathy)
- Kussmaul (metabolic acidosis)
- fetor hepaticus (musty liver breath)
- sublingual jaundice
- parotid gland enlargement, tenderness
- spider angiomata
- blanching, necklace distribution, can be in the back
- up to 2 in men and 5 in women is normal
- nails (clubbing, leukonychia, Lindsay’s, Terry’s nails)
- palmar erythema (ulnar)
- Dupuytren’s contracture
- thenar muscle wasting
- jaundice
- clotting
- ecchymosis (prothrombin deficiency)
- purpura/petechiae (platelet deficiency)
- ↑ estrogen (gynecomastia, testicular atrophy, loss of axillary and pubic hair)
- caput medusa
- ascites
- bulging flanks
- shifting dullness
- fluid wave
- hepatomegaly (initially large and firm, liver later shrinks)
- splenomegaly
- lower extremity edema
- be reluctant to diagnose ascites without seeing swollen legs