Exploratory factor analysis/Quiz

Exploratory factor analysis practice quiz

1 A multivariate statistical technique for studying interrelationships among variables, usually for discovering underlying constructs or data reduction is known as:

Multiple regression
Factor analysis
Discriminant analysis
Canonical correlation analysis

2 To determine which variables relate to which factors, a researcher would use:

Factor loadings
Eigen values
Beta coefficients

3 If a researcher wants to determine the amount of variance in the original variables that is associated with a factor, s/he would use:

Factor loadings
Eigen values
Beta coefficients
None of the above

4 If a researcher wanted to determine which variables were associated with which factors s/he would look at:

Factor scores
Factor loadings
Factor associations
None of the above

5 Which of the following can be used to determine how many factors to extract from a factor analysis:

Eigen values and percentage of variance explained by each factor
Scree plots
Factor loadings
All of the above
None of the above

6 In exploratory factor analysis, how much variance would a good model be likely to explain?

0 to 25%
25% to 50%
50% to 75%
75% to 100%

7 When a factor loading matrix is rotated, what will be the likely outcome:

The pattern of factor loadings changes and the total variance explained by the factors remains the same.
The pattern of factor loadings stays the same and the total variance explained by the factors remains the same.
The pattern of loadings changes and the total variance explained by the factors changes too.
The pattern of loadings stays the same and the total variance explained by the factors changes.

8 In SPSS, orthogonal rotation in factor analysis is called:

None of the above

9 In SPSS, oblique rotation in factor analysis is called:

None of the above

10 The total of all eigen values will equal:

The number of variables in the analysis
Impossible to tell without further information



Several of these questions are based on items from http://www.johnwiley.com.au/highered/mr2e/content017/ch15/mc_ch15_aak07.html