Exercise and metabolic disease/Activity 1

You have been allocated a group, and the group allocated a metabolic condition. The ultimate goal is to create a well researched resource that you can use to assist in your professional life. Additionally, the resource is shared with the world, creating an open education resources and tool. The initial activity requires you to search for, evaluate and make judgements on the use of existing research. You will need to initially work as a team to make decisions about how to cover the relevant literature and complete the task of an annotated bibliography. Remember that the resource that you will need to create from the groups combined annotated bibliography is described in Activity 2.


  1. As a group, decide how you are going to cover the relevant literature so that you can create the resource in Activity 2. Each person in the group should be responsible for creating an annotated bibliography on 10-15 references (at least 75% of these should be original references).
  2. Each individual in the group creates an annotated bibliography on their references. The annotated bibliography will be shared with everyone in the unit as a future resource.



The activity will be introduced in week 2 and discussed in the tutorial. In week 3 we can discuss an example of an annotated bibliography of one reference from any students wanting to bring one in. **The activity should be complete by the end of week 4.**



What is an annotated bibliography?


This video provides a good first reference to what is in an annotated bibliography, there are a number of other references posted below. In the video annotated bibliographies are described formally, but you may choose to create a fairly informal version. For the purposes of this activity, you will need to include enough information so that the annotations can be understood by others in the unit, but you may choose to include dot points rather than formal sentences. You do need to include your own summary of the research and critique. You will probably find it useful to include annotations about how or where this may contribute to the resource created in Activity 2. See the assessment overview to gain further insight in to how this will be assessed.

Bibliographic tools


Often its a good idea to use an electronic bibliographic tool/reference manager to keep your references and annotations. Examples include Endnote and Refworks. If you annotate directly into a tool such as this it is often easy to search for certain words and quickly format your references in a document. But this doesnt apply to formatting online documents (at present at least) and is not ideal for sharing annotations when it comes to creating the resource in Activity 2. So you may also want to consider using tools such as delicious, an electronic document, a wiki or even pen and paper.


See Ben Rattray's bookmarks for website resources around annotated bibliographies

The critique
