Exam 98-375: HTML5 Application Development Fundamentals/Code by Using JavaScript

This lesson covers Code by Using JavaScript. It looks at jQuery and third-party libraries, user interface updates, animations, data access, touch response, HTML5 APIs, and system resources.

Activity 1 - Manage and Maintain JavaScript


This objective may include but is not limited to: creating and using functions; jQuery, and other third-party libraries.

  1. Read JavaScript Fundamentals.
  2. Read W3 Schools JavaScript Tutorial.
  3. Read jQuery Documentation.

Activity 2 - Update the UI by Using JavaScript


This objective may include but is not limited to: locating/accessing elements; listening and responding to events; showing and hiding elements; updating the content of elements; adding elements.

  1. Read JavaScript Fundamentals.
  2. Read W3 Schools JavaScript Tutorial.
  3. Read W3 Schools JS & DOM Reference.

Activity 3 - Code Animations by Using JavaScript


This objective may include but is not limited to: using animation; manipulating the canvas; working with images, shapes, and other graphics.

  1. Read Animating your UI.
  2. Read jQuery API.
  3. Read SourceCodeOnline - JavaScript.

Activity 4 - Access Data Access by Using JavaScript


This objective may include but is not limited to: sending and receiving data; transmitting complex objects and parsing; loading and saving files; App Cache; datatypes; forms; cookies; localStorage.

  1. Read IndexedDB.
  2. Read JSON Tutorial.
  3. Read HTML5 Rocks and File API.

Activity 5 - Respond to the Touch Interface


This objective may include but is not limited to: gestures, how to capture and respond to gestures.

  1. Read Touch Gestures.
  2. Read jQuery.
  3. Read Mobile Touch Events in MooTools 1.3.

Activity 6 - Code Additional HTML5 APIs


This objective may include but is not limited to: GeoLocation, Web Workers, WebSocket; File API.

  1. Read HTML5 Rocks - Geolocation API.
  2. Read HTML5 Rocks – The Basics of Web Workers.
  3. Read Geolocation.

Activity 7 - Access Device and Operating System Resources


This objective may include but is not limited to: in memory resources such as contact lists and calendar; hardware capabilities such as GPS, accelerometer and camera.

  1. Read The Windows Runtime.
  2. Read How to get data from the accelerometer sensor for Windows Phone.
  3. Read W3C DeviceOrientation Event Specification.

