Exam 98-373: Mobile Development Fundamentals/Work with Physical Devices

This lesson covers Work with Physical Devices. It looks at mobile device tools, physical capabilities, and physical interactions.

Activity 1 - Understand Mobile Device Tools


This objective may include but is not limited to: defining the Windows Phone Capability Detection Tool and the Windows Phone Connect tool; Windows Phone Marketplace Test Kit.

  1. Read How to: Determine Application Capabilities.
  2. Read Application Manifest File for Windows Phone.
  3. Read How to: Use the Connect Tool for Windows Phone.

Activity 2 - Understand Physical Capabilities of the Mobile Device


This objective may include but is not limited to: identifying the different device sensors; describing and defining the camera capture and preview stream APIs; identifying different built-in hardware; Motion API.

  1. Read Hardware Specifications for Windows Phone.
  2. Read Sensors Overview for Windows Phone.
  3. Read Camera and Photos Class Support for Windows Phone.

Activity 3 - Plan for Physical Interactions with the Mobile Device


This objective may include but is not limited to: describing and defining the differences among devices, including features, API levels, number of touch points, and networking capabilities; identifying ways to save energy; accounting for screen size/real estate when planning layout.

  1. Read How to: Handle Orientation Changes on Windows Phone.
  2. Read Working with Touch Input (Windows Phone).
  3. Read How to: Determine the Network Capabilities for Windows Phone.

