Exam 98-373: Mobile Development Fundamentals/Use a Mobile Application Development Environment

This lesson covers Use a Mobile Application Development Environment. It looks at design, network, Silverlight, developer tools, and code..

Activity 1 - Understand Design for Mobile Devices


This objective may include but is not limited to: describing and defining marketplace submission rules; describing and defining mobile design concepts (for example, metro, button sizing, spacing); describing and defining globalization/localization; defining mobile optimization; defining MVVM; describing and defining object-oriented programming (OOP) and separation of concerns; describing and defining asynchronous programming/threading.

  1. Read Application Certification Requirements for Windows Phone.
  2. Read Globalization and Localization for Windows Phone.
  3. Read User Experience Design Guidelines for Windows Phone.
  4. Read Performance Considerations in Applications for Windows Phone.
  5. Read Object-Oriented Programming (C# and Visual Basic).
  6. Read Getting Started with the MVVM Pattern in Silverlight Applications.

Activity 2 - Network for Mobile Devices


This objective may include but is not limited to: describing and defining the application model in relation to WCF RIA services; creating a robust server/cloud communication that can throttle between no network to mobile network to wireless network; describing and defining networking concepts in relation to multicast and HTTP requests; using Web services; describing and defining toast and other notifications.

  1. Read Application and Programming Models.
  2. Read Networking and Web Services Overview for Windows Phone.
  3. Read Push Notifications Overview for Windows Phone.

Activity 3 - Understand Silverlight


This objective may include but is not limited to: describing and defining the differences between Silverlight, XNA, and HTML5 and which one to choose for a given scenario; using Silverlight and HTML5 applications; identifying Silverlight controls.

  1. Read The Silverlight and XNA Frameworks for Windows Phone.
  2. Read Windows Phone Developer Guide—Appendix B.
  3. Read Building Apps with HTML5: What You Need to Know.
  4. Read Controls in Silverlight for Windows Phone.
  5. Read Panorama and Pivot Controls Quickstart.
  6. Read Types of Controls.

Activity 4 - Work with Developer Tools


This objective may include but is not limited to: using Microsoft Visual Studio IDE; creating the deployment package and deploying the application; using the Microsoft .NET Framework; configuring a test environment; testing and debugging mobile applications.

  1. Read Visual Studio 2010 Express for Windows Phone
  2. Read Windows Phone Emulator
  3. Read Deploying and Testing on You Windows Phone

Activity 5 - Code for Mobile Applications


This objective may include but is not limited to: evaluating code; identifying code errors; identifying the code to use to meet requirements; distinguishing among programming languages and programs, including XNA, Microsoft Visual Basic .NET, HTML5, XAML, and C# .NET.

  1. Read Getting Started with Visual Basic.
  2. Read Getting Started with Visual C#.
  3. Read XAML Overview.
  4. Read Getting Started with XNA Game Studio Development.

