Exam 98-364: Database Fundamentals/Manipulating Data

This lesson covers Manipulating Data. It looks at selecting, inserting, updating, and deleting data.

Activity 1 - Select Data


This objective may include but is not limited to: utilizing SELECT queries to extract data from one table; extracting data by using joins; combining result sets by using UNION and INTERSECT.

  1. Read SELECT Statement for Data Queries.
  2. Read SELECT.
  3. Read WHERE Clause.
  4. Read Query Fundamentals.

Activity 2 - Insert Data


This objective may include but is not limited to: understanding how data is inserted into a database; how to use INSERT statements.

  1. Read Inserting and Updating Data in a Table.
  2. Read Adding Rows by Using INSERT and SELECT.

Activity 3 - Update Data


This objective may include but is not limited to: understanding how data is updated in a database and how to write the updated data to the database by using the appropriate UPDATE statements; update by using a table.

  1. Read UPDATE.
  2. Read Using CASE.

Activity 4 - Delete Data


This objective may include but is not limited to: deleting data from single or multiple tables; ensuring data and referential integrity by using transactions.

  1. Read How to: Delete Records in a Database.
  2. Read Transactions.

