Eventmath/Participant list entry instructions

How to join the Eventmath participants list!


If you ​reached this page after clicking "Join" on the Eventmath Participants page, here's what you'll do next.

  1. Leave the Subject line blank in the editor below.
  2. Replace each field with your information (e.g. replace "Name" with your name).
  3. Leave markup in place (e.g. the three equals signs surrounding "Name" create a level-3 heading).

Note: If you like, replace "Name" with a pseudonym, like a username. To omit any of the other information, you can delete the associated line in the wikitext. For example, to remove Twitter information from your entry, replace

 * ''Twitter:'' [URL-of-twitter-profile @Twitter-username]
 * ''User:'' [[User:Wikiversity-username|Wikiversity-username]]
 * ''Bio:'' Your bio!


 * ''User:'' [[User:Wikiversity-username|Wikiversity-username]]
 * ''Bio:'' Your bio!