Eventmath/Lesson plan creation instructions

It's time to start an Eventmath lesson plan!


If you ​reached this page after clicking "Create lesson plan" on Eventmath's Contributing tab, here's what you'll do next.

How to publish

  1. Read the brief CONTRIBUTOR INSTRUCTIONS in the prefilled editor below, and then type in the lesson plan!
  2. Preview your changes at any time, by clicking the "Preview" button at the bottom.
  3. Publish by clicking "Publish page" at the bottom. It's okay to publish a lesson plan that's not yet complete.

After you publish

  1. Improve the new lesson plan, if you like, from the "Edit source" tab.
  2. Click "Lesson plans" at the top of the published plan to see it listed on the Lesson plans tab! From there...
  3. Head back to the Contributing tab for tips on sharing the lesson plan and getting feedback.