• Original language: French
  • Original form and meaning: the word is not existent in modern French, the term derived from the verb friser - curl, frizz, crimp; adjoin; euphemise; deposit

(Note: If the status is not specifically indicated then the word is stylistically neutral and generally used; if earlier meaning and status equals current use the former may be expressed by writing "dito". Cf. also the project guidelines.)

Language Form Date of Borrowing (and Obsolescence) Current Meaning and Status Earlier Meanings and Statusses Source
Catalan ... ... '...' '...' ...
Croatian ... ... '...' '...' ...
Czech ... ... '...' '...' ...
Danish frisør ... 'hairdresser' '...' ...
Dutch ... ... '...' '...' ...
English friseur 17c 'French term for hairdresser' '...' ...
Estonian ... ... '...' '...' ...
Finnish ... ... '...' '...' ...
French ... ... '...' '...' ...
Frisian ... ... '...' '...' ...
German male: Friseur/Frisör, female: Friseurin/Frisörin (politically correct) or Friseuse ... 'hairdesser' '...' ...
Hungarian ... ... '...' '...' ...
Irish ... ... '...' '...' ...
Italian ... ... '...' '...' ...
Latvian male: frizieris, female: sieviešu frizieris ... 'hairdresser' '...' ...
Lithuanian ... ... '...' '...' ...
Maltese ... ... '...' '...' ...
Norwegian frisør ... 'hairdresser' '...' ...
Polish male: fryzjer, female: fryzjerka ... '...' '...' ...
Portuguese ... ... '...' '...' ...
Rumantsch ... ... '...' '...' ...
Slovak ... ... '...' '...' ...
Slovenian frizer ... 'hairdresser' '...' ...
Spanish ... ... '...' '...' ...
Swedish male: frisör, female: frisörska ... 'hairdresser' '...' ...



Etymology: probably from F friser "to curl", perhaps from stem of frire "to fry, cook". There is OE fris "curly", from OFris frisle.

Source: http://www.etymonline.com

Information on Other Languages


Czech: male: kadeřník, female: kadeřnice

Dutch: kapper

Estonian: juuksur

Finnish: kampaaja

Hungarian: fodrász

Italian: parrucchiere

Lithuanian: kirpėjas

Portuguese: cabeleireiro

Slovak: male: kaderník, female: kaderníčka

Spanish: male: peluquero, female: peluquera