• Original language: French
  • Original form and meaning: brie - 1. Brie (a mold-ripened, whole-milk cheese with a whitish rind and a soft, light yellow center, milder than Camembert)

(Note: If the status is not specifically indicated then the word is stylistically neutral and generally used; if earlier meaning and status equals current use the former may be expressed by writing "dito". Cf. also the project guidelines.)

Language Form Date of Borrowing (and Obsolescence) Current Meaning and Status Earlier Meanings and Statusses Source
Catalan ... ... '...' '...' ...
Croatian ... ... '...' '...' ...
Czech ... ... '...' '...' ...
Danish brie, brieost ... 'meaning 1' '...' ...
Dutch brie-kaas ... 'meaning 1' '...' ...
English Brie 1848 'meaning 1' '...' http://www.etymonline.com
Estonian ... ... '...' '...' ...
Finnish ... ... '...' '...' ...
French ... ... '...' '...' ...
Frisian ... ... '...' '...' ...
German Brie ... 'meaning 1' '...' ...
Hungarian ... ... '...' '...' ...
Irish ... ... '...' '...' ...
Italian Brie ... 'meaning 1' '...' ...
Latvian ... ... '...' '...' ...
Lithuanian ... ... '...' '...' ...
Maltese ... ... '...' '...' ...
Norwegian ... ... '...' '...' ...
Polish ... ... '...' '...' ...
Portuguese ... ... '...' '...' ...
Rumantsch ... ... '...' '...' ...
Slovak ... ... '...' '...' ...
Slovenian ... ... '...' '...' ...
Spanish ... ... '...' '...' ...
Swedish brie(ost) ... 'meaning 1' '...' ...



Etymology: from name of district in department Seine-et-Marne, southeast of Paris, famous for its cheeses

Source: http://www.etymonline.com

Information on Other Languages


Portuguese: queijo francês macio

Spanish: tipo de queso suave