Escuela de Lenguas UNLP/About Argentina/Tourist Attractions

Autonomous City


Buenos Aires

National Parks and Nature Reserves


Punta Tombo


Punta Tombo is a nature reserve located on the South Atlantic Ocean. It is a colony of Magellanic penguins. There are small caves and low vegetation so this is an appropriate area for birds to lay eggs and rear their babies between September and April each year. Visitors can walk along a footpath next to the sea to see the penguins. The penguins live freely and they have a “right of way”, so if they walk across the footpath, people must stand still and wait for them to pass. These birds are not frightened by people and they don´t abandon their nests because of people’s presence. It's a really attractive and educative walk.

Los Arrayanes National Park


Los Arrayanes National Park was created in 1971. It is a nature reserve located in the Province of Neuquén, on the Quetrihué Península, in the north of the Nahuel Huapi lake.  In the south there is a Myrtle forest.The Myrtle is a tree; its cortex is cinnamon color because of the tannins. Its flowers are white and its fruits are purple. There are also other trees like Coihues and Cypresses, among others. The fauna is varied with aquatic species, such as cormorants and cauquenes, and terrestrial species such as woodpeckers, red foxes and patagonian wolves. The Arrayanes National Park is a beautiful place to visit. 



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