Sumer was an ancient civilization in the southern part of Mesopotamia (modern day southeastern Iraq) that started around 3500 BC. It was one of the first civilizations in the world. The Sumerian civilization grew along the Tigris and Euphrates. This land was good for growing food. Sumerian culture is famous for its written cuneiform script - where letters were formed by pressing a triangle shaped reed into wet-clay tiles. They are also credited with creating the wheel, and dividing a day into 24 hours, and each hour into 60 minutes.

Sumer 是 Mesopotamia 南部(现代 Iraq 东南部)的 一个 古老 文明,始于 公元前 3500年 左右。它是 世界上 最早的 文明 之一。Sumer文明 在 Tigris河 和 Euphrates河 沿岸 发展。这片 土地 适合 种植 食物。Sumer文化 以 楔形文字 而 闻名 - 用 楔形 芦苇笔 刻于 湿粘土板 而成 文字。他们 也 被认为 发明了 轮子,并 将 一天 分为 24小时,每小时 分为 60分钟。