English-Chinese/Pure water is usually described as tasteless and odorless

Pure water is usually described as tasteless and odorless, although humans have specific sensors that can feel the presence of water in their mouths, and frogs are known to be able to smell it. However, water from ordinary sources (including bottled mineral water) usually has many dissolved substances, that may give it varying tastes and odors.

纯净水通常被描述为无味无嗅,尽管人类有特定的感官可以感觉到嘴里有水的存在,并且已知青蛙能够闻到它。 然而,来自普通水源(包括瓶装矿泉水)的水通常含有许多溶解物质,这可能会产生不同的味道和气味。