Music is a form of art; an expression of emotions through harmonic frequencies. Music is also a form of entertainment that puts sounds together in a way that people like, find interesting or dance to. Most music includes people singing with their voices or playing musical instruments, such as the piano, guitar, drums or violin.

音乐 是 一种 艺术 形式; 通过 谐波 频率 表达 情感。音乐 也是 一种 娱乐 形式,以 人们 喜欢,发现 有趣 或 跳舞的 方式 将 声音 组合 在一起。大多数 音乐 包括 人们 用 他们的 声音 唱歌 或 演奏 乐器,如 钢琴,吉他,鼓 或 小提琴。

Accompaniment edit

Accompaniment is the musical part which provides the rhythmic and/or harmonic support for the melody or main themes of a song or instrumental piece.


Chamber music edit

Chamber music is a form of classical music that is composed for a small group of instruments—traditionally a group that could fit in a palace chamber or a large room.

室内乐是一种古典音乐形式,由一小组乐器组成 - 传统上是一组可以放入宫殿房间或大房间的乐器。

Choir edit

A choir is a musical ensemble of singers.


Church music edit

Church music is music written for performance in church, or any musical setting of ecclesiastical liturgy, or music set to words expressing propositions of a sacred nature, such as a hymn.


Concert band edit

A concert band, also called wind ensemble, is a performing ensemble consisting of members of the woodwind, brass, and percussion families of instruments, and occasionally including the double bass or bass guitar.


Conducting edit

Conducting is the art of directing a musical performance, such as an orchestral or choral concert.


Musical instrument edit

Musical instruments are things used to make music. Anything that somehow produces sound can be considered a musical instrument, but the term generally means items that are specifically for making music.

乐器 是 用来 制作 音乐的 东西。任何 以 某种 方式 产生 声音的 东西 都 可以 被认为 是 一种 乐器,但 这个 术语 通常 意味着 专门 用于 制作 音乐的 物品。