Kidneys are two organs in the abdomen of vertebrates that are shaped like beans. They make urine (the yellow waste water that comes out of the urethra.) They are part of the urinary system. When medical professionals discuss the kidneys, they typically refer to the word renal. For example, renal failure is when the kidneys are sick and do not work.

肾脏 是 脊椎动物 腹部的 两个 器官,形状 像 豆子。它们 制造 尿液 (来自 尿道的 黄色 废水)。它们 是 泌尿系统的 一部分。当 医疗专业人员 讨论 肾脏 时,他们 通常 会 提到 肾 这个 词。例如,肾功能衰竭 是指 肾脏 生病 并且 无法 工作。