English-Chinese/Canada is the world's second largest country by area

Canada is the world's second largest country by area, only behind Russia. Canada is renowned for its vast, untouched landscape, and its multicultural heritage. While much of Canada consists of forests, it has more lakes than any other country, as well as the Rocky Mountains, the Prairies, and a sparsely populated archipelago extending into the Arctic.

加拿大是世界上面积第二大的国家,仅次于俄罗斯。 加拿大以其广阔的原始景观和多元文化遗产而闻名。 虽然加拿大的大部分地区都是森林,但它拥有的湖泊比其他任何国家都多,还有落基山脉,大草原和延伸到北极的人口稀少的群岛。