Beijing is the capital of the People's Republic of China, the world's second most populous city, and most populous capital city. The city, located in northern China, is governed as a direct-controlled municipality under the national government with 16 urban, suburban, and rural districts. Beijing Municipality is surrounded by Hebei Province with the exception of neighboring Tianjin Municipality to the southeast; together the three divisions form the Jingjinji metropolitan region and the national capital region of China.

Beijing in China

北京 是 中华人民共和国的 首都,是 世界上 人口 第二多的 城市,也是 人口 最多的 首都。它 位于 中国 北部,是 管辖 16个 市区,郊区 和 农村 地区的 直辖市。除 东南部 邻接 天津市 之外,北京市 被 河北省 包围;三个 部分 共同 组成 京津冀 大都会 地区 和 中国 首都 地区。