Engineering thermodynamics

(Redirected from Engineering Thermodynamics)
"The steam engine did more for science than science did for the steam engine"[1]

Does this mean that science has done more for Wikipedia than Wikipedia has done for science?
Water (data page) on Wikipedia:
 -Thermodynamic properties
 -Steam tables
 -Phase diagram
Wikiversity MATLAB codes
(external) Ohio steam tables
Educational level: this is a tertiary (university) resource.

Learning Resources

  • Steam tables External links are available for printable steam tables for use by students. We also have a few quizzes and an unfinished MATLAB project to create steam tables.
  • The Compressibility factor is an underdeveloped Wikiversity resource tells us the extent to which steam obeys the Ideal gas law.
  • The Joule-Thomson effect is under construction, but Wikipedia's Joule-Thomson effect isn't bad. Eventually we want to develop this resource and include it, with wikiquizzes, in a college course.
  • Quizzes (We need a lot more. Please contribute because if we had this many we could begin to significantly reduce the cost required to educate engineers.)
  • Gallery of images for future use by editors.

External resources


References and Footnotes

  1. Attributed to Lawrence Henderson, perhaps 1917 ( Milton Kerker looks at both sides of this question in "Science and the Steam Engine" Technology and Culture Vol. 2, No. 4 (Autum 1961) pp.381-390 Stable URL: