Engineering Projects/Poppit/Howard Community College/Fall2011/Ichung4661/ENES100/poppit

Link to project DBBM team page.

Week0 Activities


Give instructor top 3 project choice list


Typically the instructor picks teams. Students send the instructor their top 3 choices. The project choices are typically those found at Category:General_Engineering_Projects. The instructor tries to put students in the project of their choice. Put your top three choices here after they are used to assign you to this project. Create a link to the project root and to where your team will be working.

Write problem statement


Look through the existing problem statements. Find something not yet done on the project. Create a problem statement for it. Think of a new subsystem that needs to be built for the project. The goal is something simple, possible, for zero dollars.

Assign Task1


Tasks are typically done over the weekend. They are documented during the week, presented during the week and the next weekends work is negotiated during the week. Week 0 is the week that task 1 is negotiated. Record your individual task here. Plan on working on it during the weekend between week0 and week1.

Week1 Activities


Compare actual work done to Task1


Rationalize differences

Week1 Narrative


Upload photos to wikimedia. Upload video to youtube. Convert all spreadsheets, documents, and presentations to wiki format and create wiki subpage of your page for each of them. Link to them here in a narrative that tells a story. High light the problems (engineering problems) you had and how you solved them.

Week1 Peer Review


Go to each team mates weekly summary wiki page. Read their activities and narrative. Then go the associated discussion page. Say something positive on this page. Try some constructive criticism. Add your name and 1sfoerster 13:32, 28 August 2011 (UTC) to create a time and date stamp. Create a new category if another team mate has already commented here.

Assign Task2


Record what you are planning on doing for the team during the weekend between week1 and week2 of the project here.

Week2 Activities


Compare actual work done to Task2


Rationalize differences

Week2 Narrative


Upload photos to wikimedia. Upload video to youtube. Convert all spreadsheets, documents, and presentations to wiki format and create wiki subpage of your page for each of them. Link to them here in a narrative that tells a story. High light the problems (engineering problems) you had and how you solved them.

Week2 Peer Review


Go to each team mates weekly summary wiki page. Read their activities and narrative. Then go the associated discussion page. Say something positive on this page. Try some constructive criticism. Add your name and 1sfoerster 13:32, 28 August 2011 (UTC) to create a time and date stamp. Create a new category if another team mate has already commented here.

Assign Task3


Record what you are planning on doing for the team during the weekend between week2 and week3 of the project here.

Week3 Activities


Compare actual work done to Task3


Rationalize differences

Week3 Narrative


Upload photos to wikimedia. Upload video to youtube. Convert all spreadsheets, documents, and presentations to wiki format and create wiki subpage of your page for each of them. Link to them here in a narrative that tells a story. High light the problems (engineering problems) you had and how you solved them.

Week3 Peer Review


Go to each team mates weekly summary wiki page. Read their activities and narrative. Then go the associated discussion page. Say something positive on this page. Try some constructive criticism. Add your name and 1sfoerster 13:33, 28 August 2011 (UTC) to create a time and date stamp. Create a new category if another team mate has already commented here.

Assign Task4


Record what you are planning on doing for the team during the weekend between week3 and week4 of the project here.

Week4 Activities


Compare actual work done to Task4


Rationalize differences

Week4 Narrative


Upload photos to wikimedia. Upload video to youtube. Convert all spreadsheets, documents, and presentations to wiki format and create wiki subpage of your page for each of them. Link to them here in a narrative that tells a story. High light the problems (engineering problems) you had and how you solved them.

Week4 Peer Review


Go to each team mates weekly summary wiki page. Read their activities and narrative. Then go the associated discussion page. Say something positive on this page. Try some constructive criticism. Add your name and 1sfoerster 13:33, 28 August 2011 (UTC) to create a time and date stamp. Create a new category if another team mate has already commented here.

Complete Project Page


Follow the "project done" format.

Start Next Project Week0 activities


During this week you will perform the week0 activities of the next project.