Engineering Projects/Illuminate Clothing/Howard Community College/spring2012/I1550INC

Electronic Sections Expected


Problem Statement

1.Reverse engineer the EL wire driver hardware.
2.Troubleshoot the EL wire drivers that are not working.
3.Design circuit to enable the arduino to control the EL wire.
4.Tear apart old lillypad diode circuit and sew another one.
5.Design sewing system so lillypad conductive thread does not short out.
6.Create a new script or improve current lillypad arduino LED program.

Team Members

Navid Jahanpour
Chris Nunez



The EL Wire is driven by a 180 volt, 3KHz signal that is developed from two AA batteries.

The problem with the EL Wire drivers that were not working is that a transistor went bad on them. A transistor was replaced that solved the problem. A tutorial on troubleshooting transistors was identified as well as an introduction to transistors.

The circuit to enable arduino control of the EL wire was begun. Directly connecting the arduino to the main transformer does not work. The arduino can not supply enough power out of it's digital pins and the entire arduino board shuts down.

The old sewing of LED's on cloth did not work because the wires were shorting out all the time. A new shirt was found and a new simple pattern was created. The old software was complicated. A new simple program was created to begin learning to control many LED's.


Lilypad poster



we have the 3 driver, for control led this driver change the domination of the voltage from 3 volt to 180 volt with low amp. the led kit work in 3 level on off, and flashing i have to find way that control the led with adrino board and program, but i have the problem because the adrino have 3 volt out put and i need 180 volt to work,so first i try to understand how the regular board working. i analysis the regular board that we have , and i understand that, its the amplify and voltage level changer board.i have the transformer to change the voltage domination , so i pike up the transformer with solid heat and i contact the transformer to the adrino board , but then i find the new problem. when i contact the transformer to the adrino i have the current over load i have to design the interface for contact the adrino to the transformer and control the led.

The Lilypad Ardiuno was able to contact all LED's with the new script. My mother in law taught me how to sew tightly so the conductive thread does not short out each other. The new script has 20 led settings on it. we can add more if there were more connections on the lily pad. The script tells the lilypad to turn on two leds at a time at every 6 led. The last led will turn off. This gives it a circular motion. we can vary the speed how ever we like.

Decision List


1. for first week i analysis the driver of the led and out put voltage of the this board.

2.for second i try to understand how i can use the adrino board for control the led and what the problem when i contact the adrino board to the transformer that i pike it from the regular driver that control the led.

3.for end week i try find the problem of the driver board that we have for control the led already, and find the not working elctronic device (PNP TRANSISTOR)

1. Learn how to program an Lilypad arduino with the arduino software. 2. Come up with ideas on how to tightly secure the conductive thread and stop shorting out the ardiono. 3. Display the project and receive ideas. 4. Create new scripts. 5. Try to use the LED project from the other team mate and combine projects.

Material List


List of the materials

1.driver of the led (black box) 2.some kind of the pnp transistor. 3.voltmeter. 4.adrino board. 5.some kind of the wire and conectores. 6.oscilloscope 7.Lily pad arduino 8.Conductiove thread 9.Needle 10.Arduino software 11.LED's

for next worker we need these tools: 1. 2 to 180 3khz volt transformer

Software List


Arduino Program



60 hours



i had the some tutorials for transistor and control the the transistor i put here and i have the some tutorials about the driver and interfacing leds that i put here.

Lilypad Arduino Tuturial

Next Steps


the next step for this project is interface and design the circuit to contact the adrino board to the transformer:

1. mossfet transistor
2.any 2/180 volt transformer.
3.Get the Lilypad arduino to run LED's strips
4. Secure threading better