Engineering Projects/FanWing/Howard Community College/Spring 2012/689 procrastinators

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Problem Statement


The goal was to build an aircraft using the fanwing concept.This aircraft has a cross-flow fan along the span of each wing. The fan pulls the air in at the front and then expels it over the wing's trailing edge. In transferring the work of the engine to the rotor, which spans the whole wing, the FanWing accelerates a large volume of air and achieves unusually high lift-efficiency.

Team Members






Week 0: This week was all about brain storming.

Week 1: With half of the cross flow fan made, it was now time to test it, but before we could do that, the base of the fan had to be made.

Week 2: Was all about testing, a few minor flaws in the cross flow fan were also corrected.

Week 3:My team mate did not show up, so,I (Syed) tried making another half of the cross flow fan, but failed due to minor mistakes made on the CD. Also, we did a few brain storming on how to make the base of the cross flow fan.

Week 4:My team again did not show up. So, I (Syed) worked over this week as well. The construction of the base began, but wasn't able to due to lack of practice of various tools

Here are a few photos and videos while working on the project:

Testing with a drill machine

Testing with a generator





This team pg is a continuation of Aeroxperts_689. The project wasn't completed due to lack of group availability. Most of the stuff I did it alone which was sort of frustrating but at the same time I learned a lot of things. Over Week 1 with half of the cross flow fan made, it was now to test the half of the cross flow fan by creating a base made out of wood blocks, the wood blocks were 22 cm in length but were pretty small in their diameter, so I had to join two wood blocks together, once they were joined I had to put two vertical blocks, each were 12 cm in length. Once that was done, I basically created a base for the cross flow fan. Week 2, my team mate showed up, we were able to find a few flaws in our design, the dowels were 1/8th of a inch short, so they were not stuck in b/w the cd's so we had to use duck tape in order to fill the gap b/w them. Once the gap was filled, it was time to test it using generator. Week 3, my team again did not show up, so I tried to make the cross flow fan a little longer, but wasn't able to minor measurement faults in CD's, also I did a lot of brain storming on how to create the base of the cross flow fan. My client gave me a hint of using a PVC pipes, but the PVC pipes available in the engineering weren't wide enough in diameter, so I had to think about something else. By week 4, I found the pipe that I needed, the pipe sort of resembled a toilet tissue, I was about to create a base but wasn't able due to lack of time. Over this week I came about a new tool called Dremel, which I haven't used it in my entire life. This project is a big project, and requires team work to finish it off.

Decision List


We decided to use duck tape in order fill out the flaws in our design.

I decided to use more CD's in order to make the cross flow fan longer and thin dowels.

I decided to use Pipes in order to make the base of the cross flow fan.

Material List


This time most of the materials were used from the engineering lab, the materials used were:

1. 48 cm dowels

2. wood blocks, 2 of them 22 cm in length, and 2 of them 12 cm in length

3. CD's

4. markers

5. Pens

6. Rulers and measuring tape

7. a pipe that resembled a toilet paper roll, a feet wide

8. seesaw

9. clamps

10. Mikita drilling machine

11. Dremel

12. hot glue gun

13. PVC pipe that was almost 2 cm in length

14. 16/28 volt generator

15. crocodile clips

16. rubber bands

17. Power supply that go up to 28 volts

18. cut off blades for dremel

19. drill blades

20. Screw drivers

Software List


We used PowerPoint 2007 for our poster. The interface provided is simple and intuitive to navigate an easily edited as it is a software package specifically for creating presentations using images and text boxes.



We worked 21 hrs on this project



This documentation and video really helped us understand how the project works:

Understanding the concept of FanWing and how it works


links to our team pgs could also provide you a great help.

Next Steps


we weren't able to finish our project. If I had more time and more people, i would have worked on making the cross flow fan longer and attaching it to the body of the aircraft. i hope a new group in the next semester might finish off where we left off.