Engineering Projects/DinoModel



Projects Start with an idea. The idea for a project is typically a few sentences. The sentences should inspire problem statements. If only this section exists, then nobody has worked on the project yet.



Projects are broken up into subsystems. Each project proceeds on a different path, with different milestones within the conceive, design, implement and operate framework. This should contain links to subsystems and a discussion of the pitfalls to expect, the best practice project process path in each subsystem.

The goal is to provide framework to capture the information associated with huge problems. A quadcopter project may be split up into vision systems, motor control systems, power, air frames, gryo/accelarometer software, copter GPS, target GPS, communication systems, fail safe systems, testing apparatus, etc. The cardboard boat project could be splitup into quickly built boats, racing boats, themed boats, dramatic sinking boats, battle boats, etc.



This section lists tutorials for those that to learn only what is needed to push a project forward. Tutorials are typically about tools. There are tutorials with different starting points, but the same ending point: enough technical competency to begin working on an aspect of a particular project. So many tutorials may be unique to a project. Other tutorials may be shared by many projects. This is why they are in article space, not stubs of existing projects.

Current Status


The goal here is to provide links to individual team pages, or summarize the success of various teams with links to pages describing how they did it so others can repeat, improve or extend.



All the above is summary information that comprises the wiki of all students in general engineering classes using this site. To see the people involved, the actual engineering projects, and the pain-money-time involved, click on the university names listed here. Colleges should add their name to each project they every work on under this heading. This page should contain the details of the projects, teams and individuals. This way colleges and individual students can build up portfolios.



Howard Community College