Engineering Experience 4: Design a Small Solar Vehicle/Team PM9

Team 9:Jet Solar Team



Team members

Name Team Job
Ruben Vos Team Leader
Joe Paul Team Member
Jeroen Vennekens Team Member
Hans Thaels Team Member
Thomas Vlasselaer Team Member
Liu Xiuchuan Team Member
San Sokna Team Member
Song Qi Team Member





For more details, you can attach our website!

Welcome to Wiki of Team 9 Jet Solar Team. We are made up of students from different courtries and we all expect a bright future under intercultural cooperation. This week everything is on the way. Here we attach some basic documents of The First Assignment.

First of all, I can say that we have decided to change our team name. From now on we are no longer called Team Rocket but Jet Solar Team. This week we have worked in subteams on three different fronts: the calculations, the Sankey diagram and the market research. We are processing with the calculations but we still have a lot to do. The market research is almost finished, except some small parts. For the Sankey diagram, we have already calculated the basics but because we were not sure how precisely we have to go, we have arranged a meeting with Tan Ye. He gave us some more information about it so we can work further on it next week.

According to our plan, we began some calculation and literature research this week. Half of team calculated mechanical part and Sankey diagram, others concentrated on marketing and finding companies related to our project. During the discussion,we found some problems and didn't have better solutions. As a result, we decided to concult our coach, Mr. Hu this Thursday and got some ideas from him. But we need discuss further next week.

This week we proceeded with the calculations and finished them, but it is possible we still have to change them in the future because we made a couple of assumptions about the car like the weight. The Sankey diagram and the marketing research were also finished this week. Furthermore, our website is up and running and can be used for promotional purposes from now on. We also made a decision this week about the design of the SSV and started working with simulink. So that was it for this week.

Today we finally finished calculation parts and began Simulink and the structure part. Besides,we discussed some calculation results with our coach and got suggestions and feedback. For the next couple of days, we will go on the rest of assignments in small groups, and tomorrow three team members will buy some materials for the structure.

This week we continue Simulink, the structure part and the process report. Simulink seems a difficult part among all dasks at the moment, but we will consult our coach and get some help. And three of team members have bought some materials and try to make them up before next meeting. Process report has been divided into three main part and will be finished before next Tuesday. And don't forget next Friday is the deadline for the peer assessment and some calculation things.

Today we continue with Simulink and correct some mistakes on calculation and Sankey diagram. There are some problems at the moment and we will discuss further with the coach Wednesday. However, there are sitll good news. We have got some materials for the structure which make all team members excited. This Friday is the deadline for the second assignment and the peer assessment. It means that half of the project has been marched and we hope a better result in the future.

Today we got feedback about our second assignment from Mr. Tan. He summarized our work these weeks and gave us some useful suggestions on future tasks. From this week we are going to start case SSV II, which includes building vehicles, calculation, comparasion and some marketing things. A clear plan of job divisions in the following weeks has already been made. Besides, all the teammembers went to the Olde Market this afternoon to have some drink and enjoy the sunshine, which is a nice moment for everyone.

This week we have no session with the coach, so the whole team has a discussion in a classroom. We have finished all the calculation and marketing part, so that we can concentrate on the vehicle structure. But at the moment we are faced with some problems, including the final decision of important materials, shaping building and drawing. We have some small-group discussions during this week and we hope prepare all materials before holiday.

After Easter holiday we have almost finished the building of our car. Today we have tested it as schedule and found some problems. Then some of teammembers went to make the laser logo at Fat-lab, while others went on building the car. And a seminar about Solid Edge was held this afternoon. We all learned it carefully and made the job assignments again. Maybe following weeks are very busy, but we are happy to take the challenge and waiting for a good result.

This Tuesday we finished the race successfully and every team member are very happy. At the Easter holiday there were still some small problems with our cars. But last week we added bearings and changed a little bit to make it more beautiful. Finally our car had a good performance during the race. Next week it is the deadline for case SSV II and all of us are making our best on it. Besides we should think about a good idea to celebrate the seccess of our car.

This Friday is the deadline for case SSV II, so all teammembers are working hard on it. All tasks have been divided into six small parts and everyone are clear what he/she has to do. Until this Tuesday, we still had some problems on Solidwork and shafting calculation. We will ask the coach and have a discussion together, so that we can solve them before the deadline. And it's the time to summarize our EE4 project. I just have one sentence here, "It's profect to work with all of you guys."

Today we finished all of reports and calculations and submited them on Wiki.
We corrected calculations and Sankey diagram of our own car. The new versions are available at Asignment 2 - 1.Case SSV I.
For the third assignment, here are Process report, Case SSV II and Enterprising part.
And we add two attachments: Drawings of diagrams in shaft calculation and Technical drawings.



Welcome to our website!

Meeting Report


Process Report

  1. Process report 25/03
  2. Process report 13/05



Enterprising contains two parts :Market position of a miniature version of the Umicar and Budget control during the construction of the SSV


  • Assignment 1: Cooperation contract, Plan of Approach, Work Breakdown Structure and Gantt Chart
  • Assignment 2:
  1. Case SSV I: Report of solutions & New Sankey Diagram 13/05
  2. Case Simulink:Case Simulink
For the case SSV II, it contains 3 parts:
  1. Critical analysis of the stresses in the driven shaft of the SSV and drawings of diagrams
  2. Sankey Diagram of Umicar
  3. Technical drawing of the frame

Pictures of 3D Technical Drawing

