Engineering Experience 4: Design a Small Solar Vehicle/Team PM12


Our Team


Team members

Name Tel E-mail
Tang Yihan 0484516932
Qian Hongzhu 0487148310
Huang Zhengyuan 0485761678
Sun Haowen 0489905468
Bleumers Jan 0486364045

Team Cooperation Contract


Team Roles




Tang Yihan

 Hlds final responsible for the whole of the project.
Follow-up of the action list and make sure all team members carry out their assignments on time.
Watches the deadlines and takes action in case they are endangered.



Bleumers Jan

 Writes the meeting reports
 Dates the wiki page
 Leads the meetings (prepares agenda…)

Lead engineer


Qian Hongzhu

 Responsible for engineering tasks and planning
 Manages materials and budget.

Meeting rules

   We will have at least have one meeting per week. All team members are required to be on time for these meetings and to
have prepared all agreed topics/actions. All decisions will be reached with consent of all member, all members are thus
required to give input on all topics/ideas. There is no time limit on the duration of a meeting. The team secretary is responsible for creating and distributing the meeting report to all team members within 2 days after
the meeting took place. Each team member then has the chance to reply to this to comment on the contents of the report. These
comments will be incorporated in the report by the secretary. At the start of the following meeting, the final report has to
be approved by the whole team. At the end of each meeting an action list will be drafted and each item will become a team member’s responsibility. This
list will be updated and discussed in the following meeting.

Wiki rules

   The team secretary updates the blog and wiki page at least once a week.
   The wiki page will contain the most recent action list.


   Everybody should attend every activity of the team (and be on time). If someone is not present, that person should inform
the team leader of the reason. If someone is late, he/she has to buy the rest of the team a drink.


   When we encounter troubles or problems and have a difference of opinion, we will vote to get the best solution. In this
process, we avoid unnecessary fights with each other.

Communication with the coach

   We will collect all the problems and pose them to our coach during the next class.

The plan of approach



   The client in this project is the Umicore Solar Team. 


   The contractor is Illumination, a fictious company founded as a requirement for this project. It consists out of the students of group 12 of
the Engineering Experience 4 course at GroupT. The company ‘employees’ are:
Teamleader: Yehan Tang
Secretary: Jan Bleumers
Team members: Haowen Sun, Hongzhu Qian, Zhengyuan Huang, Yehan Tang, Jan Bleumers

Project description

   The purpose of this project is to develop a miniature, toy version of the Umicore Solar Team’s solar car. This toy car must run on solar
power without the use of batteries, it’s behaviour has to be predicted and compared with the actual Umicar (on an energetic level) and has to
take part in a race.
To aid us in the development, a number of seminars will be given at GroupT, consisting out of a general presentation of the project
description, a presentation given by the Umicore solar team, a presentation by Fablab about the possibilities of their workshop, a seminar on
Simulink and a seminar on technical drawing.

Approach of the project

   The project is split into 3 chapters: Engineering, Enterprising and educating. The total budget for the whole project is € 200, a solar 
panel and a DC motor.
In the engineering part of this project we will design a small solar car that will operate solely on solar power. We will design and build a
chassis, gear train and electronics, and will use solar panel and DC motor which GroupT borrowed us for the purpose of this project. We will
also simulate the race to calculate the ideal transmission ratio and perform a freeroll simulation using Simulink (this data will be compared
to the results of a real life test held in week 9). The drive shaft of the SSV will be analysed, and 4 Sankey diagrams will be composed: 1
estimated diagram early in the project, 1 after the freeroll test and 2 for the actual umicar. We will create a 2D technical drawing of the SSV
In the enterprising chapter of the project we will perform market research to identify competitors, design a complete business plan,
potentially rename and re-logo our company, create a web page and engrave the logo on the SSV.
To manage the budget, a cleartable of expenditures will be kept, accompanied by proofs of payment.
In the educating chapter we will create a ‘report of solutions’, containing the calculations and solutions to the engineering and
enterprising questions/problems. We will also write an ‘online process report’ containing all documents made in the analysis and orienting
phase, the story behind the design and creation of the SSV (like a blog), a temporary and final description of the design, and a final process


   By the end of week 1 we will present a Cooperation contract, plan of approach, WBS and Gantt chart. In case of ‘no go’ we will present an
amended copy of the required documents at the end of week 2.
At the end of week 6 we will deliver the ‘Case SSV part 1’, Simulink and fill out PA 1.
Depending on the weather conditions, we will test the SSV in week 9.
Somewhere in the course of week 9 through 14 we will race the SSV (depending on weather conditions).
In week 11 we will hand in ‘Case SSV part 2’ and fill out PA 2.

Project limitations:

   The SSV will only be able to drive forwards, not backwards.
There will be no steering installed as the race is held on a straight track with a guidance rail.

Expected result

   We expect to build a functioning SSV (within the specifications of the client) which is capable of completing and possibly winning the final

The work breakdown structure and the Gantt chart


The work breakdown structure



The Gantt Chart



Meeting Report


Meeting report 1 : 16/02/2011


General administration

 Meeting lead:Yehan Tang
Secretary:Jan Bleumers
Meeting start:14u
Meeting end:16u
 Hongzhu Qian,  Yehan Tang,  Zhengyuan Huang,  Haowen sun,  Jan Bleumers


 1.    Discuss and assign team roles + name company
2. Create ‘Cooperation contract’
3. Create ‘Plan of approach’
4. Create WBS
5. Create Gantt chart
6. Create Logo
7. Deadline this Friday 2011/02/18

Discussed topics


1. Discuss and assign team roles + name company

       After deliberation, teamroles were divided as follows

=== The Gantt Chart ===[[File:Gantt Chart inllumination.png]]== Meeting Report ===== Meeting report 1 : 16/02/2011 ======= General administration ==== Meeting lead:Yehan Tang
Secretary:Jan Bleumers
Meeting start:14u
Meeting end:16u
===== Present ===== Hongzhu Qian, Yehan Tang, Zhengyuan Huang, Haowen sun, Jan Bleumers==== Agenda ==== 1. Discuss and assign team roles + name company
2. Create ‘Cooperation contract’
3. Create ‘Plan of approach’
4. Create WBS
5. Create Gantt chart
6. Create Logo
7. Deadline this Friday 2011/02/18
==== Discussed topics ====1. Discuss and assign team roles + name company
After deliberation, teamroles were divided as follows:
Team leader: Yehan Tang
Secretary: Jan Bleumers
Lead engineer: Hongzhu Qian
Our company name will be: ‘Illumination’
2. Create ‘Cooperation contract’
The Cooperation Contract is finished and is signed by all current team members.
3. Create ‘Plan of approach’
The Plan of Approach is ready and will be reviewed by all members by Friday.

       Team leader:	Yehan Tang 
Secretary: Jan Bleumers
Lead engineer: Hongzhu Qian
Our company name will be: ‘Illumination’

2. Create ‘Cooperation contract’

       The Cooperation Contract is finished and is signed by all current team members.

3. Create ‘Plan of approach’

       The Plan of Approach is ready and will be reviewed by all members by Friday.

4. Create WBS

       The WBS has been started and will be finished by Friday.

5. Create Gantt chart

       After the WBS has been approved, it will be used as a basis for the Gantt chart.

6. Create Logo

       Zhengyuan will design a company logo.

7. Deadline this Friday 2011/02/18

       All 4 above documents have to be handed in by 18:00h on Friday February 18th. Yehan will e-mail
the team coach to ask how the documents have to be handed in.

Action list


Next Meeting


Meeting report 2 : 23/02/2011


General administration


Meeting lead: Yehan Tang Secretary: Jan Bleumers Meeting start: 14u Meeting end: 16u

  1. hours: 2u

Hongzhu Qian, Yehan Tang, Zhengyuan Huang, Haowen sun, Jan Bleumers, Willem Noyen, Yared Reda



1. Update from coach about the 4 delivered documents 2. New team member 3. Discuss general concept of the car 4. Case SSV part 1 5. Case Simulink

Discussed topics


1. Plan of Approach, Cooperation contract, WBS and Gantt are approved, only the actual making of the car and spent hours had to be adjusted. This has been done.

2. Yared Reda joined the team today, his info had been entered in the Cooperation Contract.

3. The car will have 3 wheels, 2 on the front axle, which will be the driving axle, and 1 on the rear. Questions about steering, cvt and material choice remain open.

4. For Case SSV part 1 we have to make a Sankey Diagram and calculate the best gear ratio by hand.

5. For case Simulink we have to simulate the SSV in the race and make a graph of different gear ratio’s against race time.

Action list

Task Responsable In cooperation with: End date Finished?
Case SSV part 1 – Sankey diagram Jan / Willem 08/03/2011
Case SSV part 1 – calculate gear ratio Yihan / Yared / Hongzhu 08/03/2011
Simulink – simulate race to find ideal transmission ratio Haowen / ZhengYuan 08/03/2011

Next Meeting


08/03/2011 after seminar and coach meeting

Meeting report 3 : 8/03/2011


General administration


Meeting lead: Yehan Tang Secretary: Jan Bleumers Meeting start: 14:30u Meeting end: 16u

  1. hours: 1.5u

Hongzhu Qian, Yehan Tang, Zhengyuan Huang, Haowen sun, Jan Bleumers, Yared Reda


Willem Noyen (medical reasons)



1. Progress on “Case SSV part 1” 2. SSV transmission

Discussed topics


1. Due to to many unknowns, the sankey diagram, gear ratio and Simulink have not yet been completed. We received some good info from our coach concerning these topics and will continue working on them.

2. After realizing the difficulty of creating a CVT (continuously variable transmission), we decided to go for a normal gearing system (gears) and to try to lower friction and losses as much as possible.

Action list

Task Responsable In cooperation with: End date Finished?
Case SSV part 1 – Sankey diagram Jan / Willem 08/03/2011
Case SSV part 1 – calculate gear ratio Yihan / Yared / Hongzhu 08/03/2011
Simulink – simulate race to find ideal transmission ratio Haowen / ZhengYuan 08/03/2011

Next Meeting


15/03/2011 after coach meeting

Meeting report 4 : 15/03/2011


General administration

 Meeting lead:Yehan Tang
Secretary:Jan Bleumers
Meeting start:15u
Meeting end:16u

Hongzhu Qian, Yehan Tang, Zhengyuan Huang, Haowen sun, Jan Bleumers, Yared Reda, Willem Noyen



1. Progress on “Case SSV part 1” 2. SSV transmission 3. Solar panel mounting 4. Chassis 5. Process Report

Discussed topics


1. We received more info concerning the 3 big parts of the Case SSV part 1 from our coach.

2. We decided to buy our gearbox as making the gears ourselves is too hard. A home-made gearbox will also be less efficient as an expert-made one. If the precise ratio can not be bought we will buy one close to it and adjust the wheel diameter to correct.

3. We will mount the panel with the aid of 3 or 4 telescopic antennas, that way the panel is adjustable in every direction.

4. For the chassis we will use a plate of plexi-glass cut in the appropriate shape. We will discuss how thick the plate should be and what the shape is going to be.

5. Everyone has to write their part of the process report and send it to Yehan. Jan will then join all parts together and check spelling+grammar.

Action list

Task Responsable In cooperation with: - Case SSV part 1 – Sankey diagram Jan / Willem 22/03/2011 - Case SSV part 1 – calculate gear ratio Yihan / Yared / Hongzhu 22/03/2011 - Simulink – simulate race to find ideal transmission ratio Haowen / ShengYuan 22/03/2011
Look for a gearbox, shaft and wheels (online) All 17/03/2011
Individual process reports All 17/03/2011
Global report Jan 22/03/2011

Next Meeting

  Monday 22/03/2011 - 18:00h - cafetaria

Meeting report 5 : 22/03/2011


General administration

 Meeting lead:Yehan Tang
Secretary:Jan Bleumers
Meeting start:14u
Meeting end:15u30
 Hongzhu Qian,  Yehan Tang,  Zhengyuan Huang,  Haowen sun,  Jan Bleumers, Yared Reda

= Absent

 Willem Noyen (Medical reasons)


    1. Progress on “Case SSV part 1”
2. SSV frame
3. Process Report
4. SSV parts needed
5. Peer Assessment 1

Discussed topics

    1.	Today we received feedback on all 3 parts of ‘SSV part  1’. We are almost ready to turn the report
in on Friday.
    2.	The frame of our SSV will be lasercut out of plexiglass. In the coming weeks we will design a shape
in Solid Edge (or another program) and take it to Fablab to be cut.
    3.	The process report is finished.
    4.	We need following parts for our SSV: bearings for the driving and driven axles, a gearbox/transmission,
a driving and driven axle, wheels, 4 antenna’s for the solar panel.
    5.	All members should fill in Peer Assessment 1 this week!

Action list

Task Responsable In cooperation with End date Finished
Case SSV Part 1 Yihan All 25/03/2011 --
Drawing an SSV frame all -- 01/04/2011 --
Peer assessment1 all -- 25/03/2011 --

Next Meeting

      To be deceided by team leader

Meeting report 6 : 29/03/2011


General administration

Meeting lead:Yehan Tang
Secretary:Jan Bleumers
Meeting start:14u
Meeting end:15u30
 Hongzhu Qian,  Yehan Tang,  Zhengyuan Huang,  Haowen sun,  Jan Bleumers, Yared Reda

= Absent

 Willem Noyen (Medical reasons)



1. Progress on “Case SSV part 1”

Discussed topics


1. Adapt sankey, internal resistance of motor: 3.2 ohm. Should be less ‘other losses’ then.

Action list

Task Responsable In cooperation with: End date - Case SSV part 1 yihan All }

Next Meeting


To be deceided by team leader

Solar Panel-Specs

Voc 8.10V
Asc 0.33A
Asc cprrected 0.97A
U(V) I(A) I-corr(A) P(W)
0.50 0.33 0.97 示例
1.00 0.33 0.97 0.97
1.50 0.33 0.97 1.45
2.50 0.33 0.97 2.42
5.00 0.33 0.97 4.84
7.00 0.31 0.91 6.37
7.20 0.30 0.88 6.34
7.35 0.29 0.85 6.25
7.50 0.27 0.79 5.94
7.60 0.25 0.73 5.57
7.70 0.22 0.65 4.97
7.80 0.19 0.56 4.35
7.90 0.14 0.41 3.24
8.00 0.11 0.32 2.58
8.10 0.07 0.21 1.66

"Asc corrected" and "I-corr" are the values after correction for the spectrum of solar light versus spotlight (* 0,88/0,3)

Peak power is at 7V and 0,91A : 6,37W

Gear ratioflat path


Flat path


SSV part 1







Sankey Diagram



Process Report



Final report



Process report

