Empathy Models/Empathy Model/Reference material

Original material


Empathy as emotional communication


Spiritual Darwinism Initiating work for this model

End of the Age of the Predator attempting to influence new policy in the US government

Learning and Therapy


Learning to learn, empathy in education for Middle School Science

Technology and the Information Society


Empathy in Technology leads into a democratic model for the Internet that distributes computing responsibilities along with capabilities

Web communities and democracy design model for communities interested in influencing wider policy

Short history of technology Nearly entirely from Mumford's Technics and Civilization



Empathy Action discussion group where many of the ideas were developed and tested, and was the original focus for this model

Reality-based Community discussion group not focused on empathy, but operates based on emotional communication and is open to empathic debate

Annotated Bibliographies


Includes material directly relevant to the model. The desire here is to develop support for the component ideas by integrating supporting material as closely as possibly, constructing the original writing from the supporting writing. Supporting material should eventually all be contained in these bibliographies, and the bibliographies should be integrated into the model here and should contain writing that is relevant to the model. The bibliographies will cache information that may otherwise disappear from the Web.

The Carl Rogers Reader [1]

Politics and Innocence: A Humanistic Debate by Carl Rogers [2]

Cognitive Therapy by Aaron Beck [3]

On Becoming a Person by Carl Rogers [4]

Carl Rogers: Dialogues with BF Skinner [5]

Prisoners of Hate by Aaron Beck [6]

The Farther Reaches of Human Nature by Abraham Maslow [7]

Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman [8]

The Information Society by Christoper May [9]

Technics and Civilization by Lewis Mumford [10]

Carl Rogers on Personal Power [11]

B. F. Skinner by Daniel W. Bjork [12]

The Life-Giving Sword by Yagyu Munenori [13]

Japan, From Will Durant's Our Oriental Heritage [14]



Synergy from Flemming Funch (1994) paraphrased from the book "Maps of the Mind," Charles Hampden-Turner [15]

Edward J. Larson: Evolutionary Dissent (2002), Science & Spirit,[16]

Peter Knudtson and David Suzuki: Wisdom of the Elders [17]

Timothy O. Leary: Happiness [18]

Lisa Aziz-Zedeh: Mirrors in the mind (2006), USC news release, http://www.physorg.com/news77807599.html

Daniel Goleman: Social Intelligence (2006), http://www.danielgoleman.info/blog/topics/emotional-intelligence/

Uta Frith and Sarah-Jayne Blakemore: Social Cognition, Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience, http://www.foresight.gov.uk/Previous_Projects/Cognitive_Systems/Reports_and_Publications/Research_Reviews/Research_Reviews__Life_Sciences/social_cognition_(new_layout).pdf

E Nimchinsky, E Gilissen, J Allman, D Perl, J Erwin, and P Hof: A neuronal morphologic type unique to humans and great apes (1999), Proceedings of the National Acadamy of Science

Lisa A Parr, Bridget M Waller, and Jennifer Fugate: Emotional communication in primates (2005), http://userwww.service.emory.edu/~jbinzak/ParrWallerFugate.pdf

Patrick R. Hof and Estel Van der Gucht: Humpback whales have brain cells also found in humans (2006), www.physorg.com/news83825654.html

Evolutionary Dissent: Edward J. Larson http://www.science-spirit.org/article_detail.php?article_id=479

Frans B. M. de Waal, Joshua M. Plotnik, Diana Reiss: Self-recognition in an Asian elephant (2006), http://www.pnas.org/cgi/content/abstract/060806210

Micheal: Artiloop Blog(2006), http://artiloop.blogspot.com/search/label/evolution, Cites: New Scientist, http://www.newscientist.com/article/dn10661-whales-boast-the-brain-cells-that-make-us-human.html

Stephanie D. Preston & Frans B. M. de Waal: Evolution of Ethics, Morality, and thought, http://www.medicine.uiowa.edu/prestonresearch/EmpathyChapter.pdf

Frans B. M. de Waal: The Evolution of Empathy (2005), http://peacecenter.berkeley.edu/greatergood/archive/2005fallwinter/FallWinter0506_deWaal.pdf

Azar Nafisi, Mysterious Connections that Link Us Together (2005), http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=4753976

Larry Arnhart: The Search for a Darwinian Science of Ethics, http://www.science-spirit.org/article_detail.php?article_id=28

Yoautt (1839), From: Rod Preece: Animal Rights Advocacy, (2005) http://www.logosjournal.com/issue_4.2/preece.htm

Randal Keynes: Annie's Box (2001), http://www.aboutdarwin.com/literature/Review.html

Thomas P. Caruso (2006), http://www.the-scientist.com/news/display/23764

Lauren Wispe: Emapthy (1991), http://cogprints.org/620/00/Empathy.html

Laura Zebuhr: Empathy Papers I & II (2004), http://blog.lib.umn.edu/zebu0001/1301W/006170.html

Joan Borysenko: Practical Paths to Wholeness in the Real World, http://catalyst.bigmindcatalyst.com/cgi/bmc.pl?page=pubpg_welcome.html&node=57426&tset=mbhs

Mario E. Martinez: The Process of Knowing: A Biocognitive Epistemology (2001), The Journal of Mind and Behavior, http://www.biocognitive.com/images/pdf/The%20Process%20of%20Knowing%20A%20Bioinf%20Episte.pdf

Paul Harris: How Do You Measure People Skills? (2006), Slate, http://www.slate.com/id/2153385/

Susan Blackmore: Strange Creatures (1998), http://www.geneticengineering.org/memetics/susan_blackmore.html

Börje Ekstig: The Evolution of Language and Science Studied by means of Biological Concepts (2004), Journal of Memetics, http://cfpm.org/jom-emit/2004/vol8/ekstig_b.html

Dave Edwards: Animal Rights - The Case For Kindness (2004), http://www.zmag.org/sustainers/content/2004-08/19edwards.cfm

Lewis Mumford: Technics and the Nature of Man (1966), http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0040-165X%28196622%297%3A3%3C303%3ATATNOM%3E2.0.CO%3B2-X

Aaron T. Beck: Prisoners of Hate (1999)

Curt Wohleber: Technology’s Troubled Conscience (1988), http://www.americanheritage.com/articles/magazine/it/1988/1/1988_1_6.shtml

Daniel Goleman: Emotional Intelligence (1995), http://www.danielgoleman.info/ei/index.html

Four Coyote Pups Released to Howl Again in the Night, Fund For Animals (2006), http://www.fundforanimals.org/cape/stories/four_coyote_pups_released_to_wild.html

Iain Douglas-Hamilton: Behavioural reactions of elephants towards a dying and deceased matriarch (2006), Save the Elephants, http://www.elephantvoices.org/tools/documents/6_behaviouralreactionstoadyingelephant.pdf

Charles Siebert: An Elephant Crackup?, New York Times Magazine (2006), http://www.nytimes.com/2006/10/08/magazine/08elephant.html?ex=1317960000&en=555595cd86596c93&ei=5088&partner=rssnyt&emc=rss

Carl Rogers: Carl Rogers on Personal Power (1977), http://annotated-bibliographies-lnxsoc.blogspot.com/2005/04/carl-rogers-on-personal-power_20.html

Douglas Allchin: Teaching Darwin Seriously: Addressing Evolution & Ethics, http://www1.umn.edu/ships/ethics/allchin3.htm

Cynthia C. Wesley-Esquimaux, Magdalena Smoleski: Historic Trauma and Aboriginal Healing (2004), The Aboriginal Healing Foundation, http://www.ahf.ca/pages/download/28_41

Paula G. Allen: The Sacred Hoop (1986), and Voice of the Turtle (1994)

Dorothy Lee: Freedom and Culture (1959)

Ronald Wright: Stolen Continents (1992), http://everything2.com/index.pl?node_id=1689083&lastnode_id=0

Rod McCormick: Healing Through Interdependence (1997), Ethical Considerations in First Nations Counseling and Research (1998), Canadian Journal of Counseling

Lee Sultzman: Miami History (1999), http://www.dickshovel.com/mia.html Miami tribe

Alice Palmer Henderson: Secret Ojibwa Medicine Society, http://web.archive.org/web/20011004170214/http://www.geocities.com/the_wanderling/midewiwin.html]

Edward Benton-Banai: The Mishomis book (1979), http://www.usask.ca/nativelaw/publications/jah/commanda.html]

Control Revolution by Andrew L. Shapiro http://annotated-bibliographies-lnxsoc.blogspot.com/2005/04/control-revolution-by-andrew-l-shapiro.html]