University of Florida/Egm4313/s12.team11.imponenti/R6.4



solved by Luca Imponenti

Problem Statement


Consider the L2-ODE-CC (5) p.7b-7 with the window function f(x) p.9-8 as excitation:


and the initial conditions


1. Find   such that:


with the same initial conditions as above.

Plot   for   for x in  

2. Use the matlab command ode45 to integrate the L2-ODE-CC, and plot the numerical solution to compare with the analytical solution.

Level 1:  

Fourier Series


One period of the window function p9.8 is described as follows


From the above intervals one can see that the period,   and therefore   Applying the Euler formulas from   to   the Fourier coefficients are computed:






The integral from   to   can be omitted from this point on since it is always zero.










The coefficients give the Fourier series:




Homogeneous Solution


Considering the homogeneous case of our ODE:


The characteristic equation is




Therefore our homogeneous solution is of the form


Particular Solution


Considering the case with f(x) as excitation



The solution will be of the form


Taking the derivatives



Plugging these back into the ODE:




Setting the two constants equal



This is valid for all values of n. Since the coefficients of the excitation   and   are zero for all even n, then the coefficients   and   will also be zero, so we must only find these coefficients for odd n's. Now carrying out the sum to   and comparing like terms yields the following sets of equations. Written in matrix form:


Assuming   this matrix can be solved to obtain


For the remaining coefficients to be solved all sums will be used so a more general equation may be written:


Results of these calculations are shown below:


The solution to the particular case can be written for all n (assuming A=1):


General Solution


The general solution is




Different coefficients   will be calculated for each n. These coefficients are easily solved for by applying the given initial conditions. Below are the calculations for n=2.


Applying the first initial condition  


Taking the derivative


Applying the second initial condition  


Solving the two equations for two unknowns yields:


So the general solution for n=2 is:


Below is a plot showing the general solutions for n=2,4,8:



Matlab Plots


Using ode45 the following graph was generated for n=0:


and for n=1